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Category: Data Science

Fisher’s Exact Test

Mala Mahadevan explains Fisher’s Exact Test and provides examples in T-SQL and R:

The decision rule in two sample tests of hypothesis depends on three factors :
1 Whether the test is upper, lower or two tailed (meaning the comparison is greater, lesser or both sides of gender and speaker count)
2 The level of significance or degree of accuracy needed,
3 The form of test statistic.
Our test here is to just find out if gender and speaker count are related so it is a two tailed test. The level of significance we can use is the most commonly used 95% which is also the default in R for Fischer’s Test. The form of the test statistic is P value. So our decision rule would be that gender and speaker category are related if P value is less than 0.05.

Click through for the R code followed by a code sample which should explain why you don’t want to do it in T-SQL.

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The Power Of The Stacked Ensemble

Funda Gunes describes the value of ensemble models in data science competitions:

A simple way to enhance diversity is to train models by using different machine learning algorithms. For example, adding a factorization model to a set of tree-based models (such as random forest and gradient boosting) provides a nice diversity because a factorization model is trained very differently than decision tree models are trained. For the same machine learning algorithm, you can enhance diversity by using different hyperparameter settings and subsets of variables. If you have many features, one efficient method is to choose subsets of the variables by simple random sampling. Choosing subsets of variables could be done in more principled fashion that is based on some computed measure of importance which introduces the large and difficult problem of feature selection.

In addition to using various machine learning training algorithms and hyperparameter settings, the KDD Cup solution shown above uses seven different feature sets (F1-F7) to further enhance the diversity.  Another simple way to create diversity is to generate various versions of the training data. This can be done by bagging and cross validation.

I think there’s a pretty strong contrast between competitions and general practice, where you’re doing everything you can to eek out a higher prediction score in the competition, but in practice, you’re aiming to balance a “good enough” prediction with hardware/time requirements and code complexity, and so the model selection process can be quite different.

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Lessons From A Data Analysis Exercise

Bill Schmarzo has an interesting post summarizing the results of an MBA class exercise involving data analysis:

Lesson #2:  Quick and dirty visualizations are critical in understanding what is happening in the data and establishing hypotheses to be tested. For example, the data visualization in Figure 1 quickly highlighted the importance of offensive rebounds and three-point shooting percentage in the Warriors’ overtime losses.

Read the whole thing.

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Understanding Bootstrap Aggregating (Bagging)

Gabriel Vasconcelos explains the bagging technique:

The name bagging comes from boostrap aggregating. It is a machine learning technique proposed by Breiman (1996) to increase stability in potentially unstable estimators. For example, suppose you want to run a regression with a few variables in two steps. First, you run the regression with all the variables in your data and select the significant ones. Second, you run a new regression using only the selected variables and compute the predictions.

This procedure is not wrong if your problem is forecasting. However, this two step estimation may result in highly unstable models. If many variables are important but individually their importance is small, you will probably leave some of them out, and small perturbations on the data may drastically change the results.

Read on to see how bootstrap aggregation works and how it solves this solution instability problem.

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Three-Way Variance Analysis

Bogdan Anastasiei shows how to perform a three-way variance analysis when the third-order and second-order effects are both statistically significant:

In the formula above the interaction effect is, of course, dosegendertype. The ANOVA results can be seen below (we have only kept the line presenting the third-order interaction effect).

Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)
dose:gender:type   2    187    93.4  22.367 3.81e-10

The interaction effect is statistically significant: F(2)=22.367, p<0.01. In other words, we do have a third-order interaction effect. In this situation, it is not advisable to report and interpret the second-order interaction effects (they could be misleading). Therefore, we are going to compute the simple second-order interaction effects.

This is definitely not a trivial article, but there are useful techniques in it.

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So You Want A FAQ-Bot

Steph Locke shows how easy it can be to create a Q&A bot:

Now we need to go to Azure and finish our bot.

Add a new Bot Service. You’ll need to give it a name and set which region you want to host it in. It will then setup everything in the background, and takes a couple of minutes.

Once it is successfully deployed, navigate your bot service and Create an App, making sure to copy and paste the values from the new tab into the interface. Select the Q&A Bot type. It should bring up a poppup that allows you to select your bot from a dropdown.

Bots are fun and worth learning, but that technology is still in its infancy, regardless of whose bot platform you’re using.

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Interpreting Regression Coefficients

Steph Locke explains what beta values on parameters in a regression actually signify:

When we read the list of coefficients, here is how we interpret them:

  • The intercept is the starting point – so if you knew no other information it would be the best guess.

  • Each coefficient multiplies the corresponding column to refine the prediction from the estimate. It tells us how much one unit in each column shifts the prediction.

  • When you use a categorical variable, in R the intercept represents the default position for a given value in the categorical column. Every other value then gets a modifier to the base prediction.

Linear regression is easy, but the real value here is Steph’s explanation of logistic regression coefficients.

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K-Means Clustering In R

Raghavan Madabusi provides an example of how k-means clustering can help segment data points in an understandable manner:

Call Detail Record (CDR) is the information captured by the telecom companies during Call, SMS, and Internet activity of a customer. This information provides greater insights about the customer’s needs when used with customer demographics. Most of the telecom companies use CDR information for fraud detection by clustering the user profiles, reducing customer churn by usage activity, and targeting the profitable customers by using RFM analysis.

In this blog, we will discuss about clustering of the customer activities for 24 hours by using unsupervised K-means clustering algorithm. It is used to understand segment of customers with respect to their usage by hours.

For example, customer segment with high activity may generate more revenue. Customer segment with high activity in the night hours might be fraud ones.

This article won’t really explain k-means clustering in any detail, but it does give you an example to apply the technique using R.

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Genomic Analysis In Spark

Tom White and Jonathan Keebler show off hail, a package to allow you to perform genomic analysis in Apache Spark:

One of the most important downstream analyses is finding genetic trait associations. Association studies look for statistical associations between genetic variation and phenotypic traits, that is, an observable characteristic of an individual, such as hair color or disease. With the increasing availability of whole-genome sequence data, it’s possible to look for variants from across the whole genome that may be associated with a disease, rather than heavily relying only on commonly known variants as in a traditional genome-wide association study (GWAS).

The challenge for downstream processing is scale. Tools that can cope with a few hundred or even a few thousand genomes, such as the well-known 1000 Genomes dataset, can’t handle datasets that are one or more orders of magnitude larger. These datasets are now becoming commonplace, thanks to the multiple sequencing efforts taking place around the world like the 100,000 Genomes Project in the UK and the Precision Medicine Initiative in the US.

Genomic analysis has been right in Hadoop’s wheelhouse for a while.

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The Bayesian Trap

David Smith links to a video describing an application of Bayes’s Theorem and gives the example of medical tests:

If you get a blood test to diagnose a rare disease, and the test (which is very accurate) comes back positive, what’s the chance you have the disease? Well if “rare” means only 1 in a thousand people have the disease, and “very accurate” means the test returns the correct result 99% of the time, the answer is … just 9%. There’s less than a 1 in 10 chance you actually have the disease (which is why doctor will likely have you tested a second time).

Now that result might seem surprising, but it makes sense if you apply Bayes Theorem. (A simple way to think of it is that in a population of 1000 people, 10 people will have a positive test result, plus the one who actually has the disease. One in eleven of the positive results, or 9%, actually detect a true disease.)

This goes to sensitivity/recall (in the medical field, they call it sensitivity; in the documents world and in the Microsoft ML space, they call it recall):  True positives / (True positives + False negatives).  Supposing a million people, 1000 will have the disease.  Of those 1000, we expect the test to find 990 (99%).  Of the 999,000 people who don’t have the disease, we expect the test to produce 9990 false negatives (1%).  990 / (990 + 9990) = 9%.

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