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Category: Data Science

Principal Component Analysis With Stack Overflow Data

Julia Silge explains Principal Component Analysis and shows us an example using Stack Overflow data:

We have tidy data, both because that’s what I get when querying our databases and because it is useful for exploratory data analysis when preparing for a machine learning algorithm like PCA. To implement PCA, we need a matrix, and in this case a sparse matrix makes most sense. Most developers do not visit most technologies so there are lots of zeroes in our matrix. The tidytext package has a function cast_sparse() that takes tidy data and casts it to a sparse matrix.

sparse_tag_matrix <- tag_percents %>%
    tidytext::cast_sparse(User, Tag, Value)

Several of the implementations for PCA in R are not sparse matrix aware, such as prcomp(); the first thing it will do is coerce the BEAUTIFUL SPARSE MATRIX you just made into a regular matrix, and then you will be sitting there for one zillion years with no RAM left. (That is a precise and accurate estimate from my benchmarking, obviously.) One option that does take advantage of sparse matrices is the irlba package.

This is a great walkthrough of an important topic.

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Using xplain To Interpret Model Results

Joachim Zuckarelli walks us through the xplain package in R:

The above XML produces the following output (don’t worry too much about the call of xplain(), we will discuss later on in more detail how to work with the xplain() function):

xplain(call="lm(education ~ young + income + urban, data=Anscombe)", 

## Call:
## lm(formula = education ~ young + income + urban, data = Anscombe)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) young income urban
## -286.83876 0.81734 0.08065 -0.10581
## Interpreting the coefficients
## —————————–
## Your coefficient ‘(Intercept)’ is smaller than zero.
## Your coefficient ‘young’ is larger than zero. This means that the
## value of your dependent variable ‘education’ changes by 0.82 for
## any increase of 1 in your independent variable ‘young’.
## Your coefficient ‘income’ is larger than zero. This means that the
## value of your dependent variable ‘education’ changes by 0.081 for
## any increase of 1 in your independent variable ‘income’.
## Your coefficient ‘urban’ is smaller than zero. This means that the
## value of your dependent variable ‘education’ changes by -0.11 for
## any increase of 1 in your independent variable ‘urban’.

I’ll be interested in looking at this in more detail, though my first glance indication is that it’ll be useful mostly in large shops with different teams creating and using models.

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Sentiment Analysis Of Hotel California

Sara Locatelli analyzes the lyrics to Hotel California using tidytext:

Sentiment analysis is a method of natural language processing that involves classifying words in a document based on whether a word is positive or negative, or whether it is related to a set of basic human emotions; the exact results differ based on the sentiment analysis method selected. The tidytext R package has 4 different sentiment analysis methods:

  • “AFINN” for Finn Årup Nielsen – which classifies words from -5 to +5 in terms of negative or positive valence
  • “bing” for Bing Liu and colleagues – which classifies words as either positive or negative
  • “loughran” for Loughran-McDonald – mostly for financial and nonfiction works, which classifies as positive or negative, as well as topics of uncertainty, litigious, modal, and constraining
  • “nrc” for the NRC lexicon – which classifies words into eight basic emotions (anger, fear, anticipation, trust, surprise, sadness, joy, and disgust) as well as positive or negative sentiment

Sentiment analysis works on unigrams – single words – but you can aggregate across multiple words to look at sentiment across a text.

To demonstrate sentiment analysis, I’ll use one of my favorite songs: “Hotel California” by the Eagles.

Read the whole thing, though you can’t check out afterward.

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Statistical Power And The False Discovery Rate

Brad Klingbenberg has an insightful article on false discovery rate:

A good frequentist would never interpret a p-value as the probability that the null hypothesis is true. But it can be enormously tempting. And despite all your efforts to the contrary it is likely that many of your colleagues don’t appreciate the distinction.

So, really, how wrong is it to treat a p-value as (one minus) the posterior probability that the null hypothesis is true? In general, it’s bad. But in some cases a p-value is a very good approximation to a posterior probability. Here we examine that approximation in a common testing scenario.

Check it out for sure.

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Tuning xgboost Models In R

Gabriel Vasconcelos has a new series on tuning xgboost models:

My favourite Boosting package is the xgboost, which will be used in all examples below. Before going to the data let’s talk about some of the parameters I believe to be the most important. These parameters mostly are used to control how much the model may fit to the data. We would like to have a fit that captures the structure of the data but only the real structure. In other words, we do not want the model to fit noise because this will be translated in a poor out-of-sample performance.

  • eta: Learning (or shrinkage) parameter. It controls how much information from a new tree will be used in the Boosting. This parameter must be bigger than 0 and limited to 1. If it is close to zero we will use only a small piece of information from each new tree. If we set eta to 1 we will use all information from the new tree. Big values of eta result in a faster convergence and more over-fitting problems. Small values may need to many trees to converge.

  • colsample_bylevel: Just like Random Forests, some times it is good to look only at a few variables to grow each new node in a tree. If we look at all variables the algorithm needs less trees to converge, but looking at, for example, 2/3 of the variables may result in models more robust to over-fitting. There is a similar parameter called colsample_bytree that re-sample the variables in each new tree instead of each new node.

Read the whole thing.  H/T R-bloggers

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The Elitist Shuffle And Recommenders

Rodrigo Agundez shows us a way of displaying fresh recommendations without retraining the recommender system:

Suppose you have 10,000 items in total that can be recommended to your user, you run the recommendation system over all the items and those 10,000 items get ranked in order of relevance of the content.

The application shows 5 items on the entry screen. The first time the user opens the application after the re-scoring process the top 5 ranked items are shown. It is decided that from now on (based on user control groups, investigation, AB testing, etc.) until the next re-scoring process the entry screen should not be the same every time and remain relevant for the user.

Based on an investigation from the data scientist it turns out that somewhat relevant items appear until item 100. Then the idea is to somehow shuffle those 100 items such that the top 5 items shown are still relevant but not the same.

Click through for an example in Python and how it compares favorably to a couple other shuffling algorithms.

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Building A Neural Network With TensorFlow

Julien Heiduk gives us an example of building a neural network with TensorFlow:

To use Tensorflow we need to transform our data (features) in a special format. As a reminder, we have just the continuous features. So the first function used is: tf.contrib.layers.real_valued_column. The others cells allowed to us to create a train set and test set with our training dataset. The sampling is not the most relevant but it is not the goal of this article. So be careful! The sample 67-33 is not the rule!

It’s probably an indicator that I’m a casual, but I prefer to use Keras as an abstraction layer rather than working directly with TensorFlow.

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Scientific Debt

David Robinson gives us the data science analog to technical debt:

In my new job as Chief Data Scientist at DataCamp, I’ve been thinking about the role of data science within a business, and discussing this with other professionals in the field. On a panel earlier this year, I realized that data scientists have a rough equivalent to this concept: “scientific debt.”

Scientific debt is when a team takes shortcuts in data analysis, experimental practices, and monitoring that could have long-term negative consequences. When you hear a statement like:

  • “We don’t have enough time to run a randomized test, let’s launch it”
  • “To a first approximation this effect is probably linear”
  • “This could be a confounding factor, but we’ll look into that later”
  • “It’s directionally accurate at least”

you’re hearing a little scientific debt being “borrowed”.

Read the whole thing.  I strongly agree with the premise.

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Machine Learning From Kafka

Kai Waehner has a post covering a recent talk he did on using Kafka as a data source for neural networks:

This talk shows how to build Machine Learning models at extreme scale and how to productionize the built models in mission-critical real time applications by leveraging open source components in the public cloud. The session discusses the relation between TensorFlow and the Apache Kafka ecosystem – and why this is a great fit for machine learning at extreme scale.

The Machine Learning architecture includes: Kafka Connect for continuous high volume data ingestion into the public cloud, TensorFlow leveraging Deep Learning algorithms to build an analytic model on powerful GPUs, Kafka Streams for model deployment and inference in real time, and KSQL for real time analytics of predictions, alerts and model accuracy.

Sensor analytics for predictive alerting in real time is used as real world example from Internet of Things scenarios. A live demo shows the out-of-the-box integration and dynamic scalability of these components on Google Cloud.

Check out the slide deck as well for more details.

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Overfitting With Polynomial Regression

Vincent Granville shows us a few problems with polynomial regression:

Even if the function to be estimated is very smooth, due to machine precision, only the first three or four coefficients can be accurately computed. With infinite precision, all coefficients would be correctly computed without over-fitting. We first explore this problem from a mathematical point of view in the next section, then provide recommendations for practical model implementations in the last section.

This is also a good read for professionals with a math background interested in learning more about data science, as we start with some simple math, then discuss how it relates to data science. Also, this is an original article, not something you will learn in college classes or data camps, and it even features the solution to a linear regression involving an infinite number of variables.

Granville’s point that overfitting is a relatively small concern is rather interesting.  But the advice to avoid polynomial regression is generally pretty solid.

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