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Category: Data Science

Worrying over Columns or Rows

John Mount explains an attitude difference:

I say: if you are a data scientist or working on an analytics projectworry over columns not rows.

In analytics “rows” are instances, and “columns” are possible measurements. For example: each click on a website might generate a row recording the visit, and this row would be populated with columns describing what was clicked on (and if you are lucky there are more records recording what else was presented and not clicked on).

Read the whole thing. This is also why formats like Parquet and ORC are so popular for data analysis. Same goes for business intelligence people, who reason mostly over columns, leading to columnstore indexes being so useful.

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Extracting Numbers from a Stacked Density Plot

Derek Jones digs into an image:

A month or so ago, I found a graph showing a percentage of PCs having a given range of memory installed, between March 2000 and April 2020, on a TechTalk page of PC Matic; it had the form of a stacked density plot. This kind of installed memory data is rare, how could I get the underlying values (a previous post covers extracting data from a heatmap)?

Read on for an interesting attempt at reverse-engineering the original numbers used to create an image. H/T R-Bloggers.

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Mapping Income vs Rent in Counties

Rick Pack updates a package to support a project:

I am happy to announce a contribution to the biscale package that makes printing shorter labels using SI prefixes (e.g., 1,000,003 => 1M and 1,324 => 1.3k) far easier. This makes printing the legend in an attractive easier, although you can tell by the picture above that I still struggle with optimal uses of the cowplot package’s draw_plot(). I would love for the legend and map to be centered under the title.

The new si_levels argument for bi_class_breaks() takes a logical value of TRUE or FALSE for either a single or two-unit vector, with a single unit vector causing the specified value to be applied to both the X and Y variables. This matches Prener’s convenient functionality for the number of digits function dig_lab, as he requested in the Github Issue I created for this addition. Note that si_levels rounds the input number, if appropriate, based on the digits indicated by dig_lab, which defaults to 3.

Click through to get access to the update, as well as to see some of the visuals Rick put together with it.

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Customer Segmentation via Databricks Solution Accelerator

Gavita Regunath discovers customer segments in a dataset:

We will be using the German Credit dataset, a publicly available dataset provided by Dr. Hans Hofmann of the University of Hamburg. The German Credit dataset contains features describing 1000 loan applicants who have taken credit from the bank. Using this dataset, our aim will be to understand the following “How should the bank personalise its products for its customers?”.

Click through to see an example of clustering to generate customer segments.

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Understanding the Poisson Distribution

Achim Zeileis shows off my favorite statistical distribution:

The Poisson distribution has many distinctive features, e.g., both its expectation and variance are equal and given by the parameter λλ. Thus, E(Y)=λE(Y)=λ and Var(Y)=λVar(Y)=λ. Moreover, the Poisson distribution is related to other basic probability distributions. Namely, it can be obtained as the limit of the binomial distribution when the number of attempts is high and the success probability low. Or the Poisson distribution can be approximated by a normal distribution when λλ is large. See Wikipedia (2002) for further properties and references.

Here, we leverage the distributions3 package (Hayes et al. 2022) to work with the Poisson distribution in R. In distributions3, Poisson distribution objects can be generated with the Poisson() function. Subsequently, methods for generic functions can be used print the objects; extract mean and variance; evaluate density, cumulative distribution, or quantile function; or simulate random samples.

Read on for a detailed tutorial. H/T R-bloggers.

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Comparing Data Analysis in Java and Python

Manu Barriola does some data analysis in a pair of quite different languages:

Python is a dynamically typed language, very straightforward to work with, and is certainly the language of choice to do complex computations if we don’t have to worry about intricate program flows. It provides excellent libraries (Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, ScyPy, PyTorch, TensorFlow, etc.) to support logical, mathematical, and scientific operations on data structures or arrays.

Java is a very robust language, strongly typed, and therefore has more stringent syntactic rules that make it less prone to programmatic errors. Like Python provides plenty of libraries to work with data structures, linear algebra, machine learning, and data processing (ND4J, Mahout, Spark, Deeplearning4J, etc.).

In this article, we’re going to focus on a narrow study of how to do simple data analysis of large amounts of tabular data and compute some statistics using Java and Python. We’ll see different techniques on how to do the data analysis on each platform, compare how they scale, and the possibilities to apply parallel computing to improve their performance.

Read on to see how the two compare. Note that this is base Java and Python+Pandas, not Spark/PySpark, Koalas, etc.

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An Overview of Clustering Algorithms

Gavita Regunath has a two-parter on clustering. First, an explanation of the concept:

Clustering, or cluster analysis, is an unsupervised machine learning method. As the name implies, unsupervised machine learning refers to how the model ‘learns’ the data. It is a learning process opposite to supervised learning. With supervised learning, models are trained or “supervised” using labelled datasets (a known function output to our data). An example of a supervised learning method is where a model is trained to recognise animals based on their labels of being a cat, dog and rabbit.

Unsupervised learning works with unlabelled data where there are no known function outputs, and the aim is to identify patterns within a dataset. There are many unsupervised learning algorithms, however, the three main types are clustering algorithms, dimensionality reduction and anomaly detection. The focus of this blog will be on clustering, as it is the most commonly used unsupervised learning technique.

Second, a review of ten clustering algorithms:

There are many clustering algorithms. In fact, there are more than 100 clustering algorithms that have been published so far. However, despite the various types of clustering algorithms, they can generally be categorised into four methods. Let’s look at these briefly:

Read on to learn more about clustering.

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Lasso and Ridge Regression

Niraj Kumar explains how two regression techniques work:

Lasso Regression is a regularization technique used for feature selection using a Shrinkage method also referred to as the penalized regression method.

Lasso is short for Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator, which uses both for regularization and model selection.

If a model uses the L1 regularization technique, then known as lasso regression.

Click through for a summary of the two techniques.

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Movie Color Swaps in R

Mark White does some coloration switcharoos:

I also love film, and I started thinking about ways I could generate color palettes from films that use color beautifully. There are a number of packages that can generate color palettes from images in R, but I wanted to try writing the code myself.

I also wanted to not just generate a color palette from an image, but then swapping it with a different color palette from a different film. This is similar to neural style transfer with TensorFlow, but much simpler. I’m one of those people that likes to joke how OLS is undefeated; I generally praise the use of simpler models over more complex ones. So instead of a neural network, I use k-means clustering to transfer a color palette of one still frame from a film onto another frame from a different movie.

There are some interesting outcomes in the post, including a mashup of 2001: A Space Odyssey’s color scheme onto Arrival, as well as Kill Bill and Dr. Strangelove. The latter reminds me of a still from the credits sequence to a 1970s movie. H/T R-Bloggers.

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