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Category: Containers

VirtualBox Network Configuration for Kubernetes

Praveen Sripati looks at some VirtualBox network settings:

From the feature matrix and the required features, the only options left around the VirtualBox networking are NAT Network and Bridged Networking. The problem with the Bridged networking is that as mentioned above, it always requires connection to the network and switching to a different network changes the IP of the K8S master and breaks down the entire setup. The certificates during the K8S setup are tied to a specific IP and need to generated again each time the IP address of the master changes (1). This is not impossible, but is tedious every time we change the network and the IP address of the master changes. So, the only optimal option left is to use the NAT Network.

Read on for more advice.

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Containerizing an IIS-Based Web App

Jamie Wick walks us through containerizing a web application which runs in IIS on Windows:

The basic application documentation provided included a zip file containing the website files along with information that the website was running on a Windows IIS server with passthrough (Active Directory) authentication.

For a Windows Server container to use Active Directory authentication, a Group Managed Service Account (gMSA) must be installed on each server that will be hosting the container. The container’s application must then be configured to run as a Network Service. The last step is to use a Credential File in the docker run command to link the container’s Network Service account to a gMSA on the host.

Note: If you are not familiar with Windows Server containers, Dockerfiles, and the Docker Build process, please refer to this post on Getting started with Windows containers & SQL Server.

Read on as Jamie takes us through the process.

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Error Logs with Windows Containers Running SQL Server

Jamie Wick walks us through several locations for error logs when you’re running SQL Server on a Windows container:

So far this series has covered: installing Docker for Windows, the basic commands for managing images and containers, and creating a new image. This post will cover troubleshooting containers & the Docker application using the various log files that are available.

Depending on the type of process being run in a container (interactive or non-interactive), event and error information may be collected by the host logs, application logs, or by the Docker logs (or by all 3, in the case of SQL Server and IIS for Windows).

Read on, as it’s not just “The same places as you’d see on SQL Servers outside of containers.”

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Decoding Helm Secrets with a kubectl Plugin

Andrew Pruski didn’t want to type that much:

The post goes through deploying a Helm Chart to Kubernetes and then running the following to decode the secrets that Helm creates in order for it to be able to rollback a release: –

kubectl get secret sh.helm.release.v1.testchart.v1 -o jsonpath="{ .data.release }" | base64 -d | base64 -d | gunzip -c | jq '.chart.templates[].data' | tr -d '"' | base64 -d

But that’s a bit long winded eh? I don’t really fancy typing that every time I want to have a look at those secrets. So I’ve created a kubectl plugin that’ll do it for us!

Click through to see the code, how you install the plugin, and how you use it.

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Release Rollback with Helm

Andrew Pruski shows the secret of how Helm lets you roll back releases even when deployments are deleted:

If we rollback with kubectl rollout undo the pods in the newest replicaset are deleted, and pods in an older replicaset are spun back up, rolling back the upgrade.

But there’s a potential problem here. What happens if that old replicaset is deleted?

If that happens, we wouldn’t be able to rollback the upgrade. Well we wouldn’t be able to roll it back with kubectl rollout undo, but what happens if we’re using Helm?

Read on to learn how the whole thing works.

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Using Docker Desktop on WSL2

Chris Taylor walks us through updating Docker Desktop for Windows to support Windows Subsystem for Linux 2:

I won’t go too much into what this is as you can read the article in the links above but to summarise, this will improve the experience of docker on windows:

– Improvements in resource consumption
– Starting up docker daemon is significantly quicker (Docker says 10s as opposed to ~1min previously)
– Avoid having to maintain both Linux and Windows build scripts
– Improvements to file system sharing and boot time
– Allows access to some cool new features for Docker Desktop users.

Some of these are improvements we’ve been crying out for over the last couple of years so in my opinion, they’re a very welcome addition.

In order to get started using WSL2, there’s a couple of steps you need to run through which I’ll try and show below with a few screen shots.

Read on for the process.

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Docker Compose and SQL Server

Andrew Pruski makes it easy to launch a fully-featured Docker container running SQL Server:

The solution here is to create a custom image with the volume created and permissions set.

But wouldn’t it be easier to just have to run one command to spin up a custom 2019 image, with volumes created and permissions set?

Enter Docker Compose.

Andrew has a GitHub repo with everything set up and includes plenty of screenshots to demonstrate.

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Kubernetes, SQL Server, and Kerberos

Raul Gonzalez walks us through one problem with configuring SQL Server to run in an Availability Group over Kubernetes:

The problem of Kerberos is that is not easy to configure and multiple times results in the well known Anonymous Logon Error, aka Double Hop.

That’s why you will find plenty of IIS and other applications out there, using SQL logins (Impersonation Users), because Windows Authentication can be really frustrating and applications won’t be able to connect to SQL Server otherwise.

There are multiple resources in the internet that explain the Double-Hop issue, so that won’t be the scope of this post, but I will show how to correctly configure SPNs to SQL Server Availability Groups, which is the first link in the Kerberos chain.

Kubernetes isn’t the only place where you’ll find the need to set SPNs, either.

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Using Docker Volumes to Hold SQL Server Databases

John Morehouse shows how to use volumes to expose data—such as SQL Server data and log files—to a Docker container:

Over the past couple of blog posts, I have been talking about the versatility of deploying SQL Server with Docker.  This combination is a great way to quickly and easily spin up local SQL Server instances.  In the most recent post, I talked about a method to copy and restore a sample database into a Docker container that is running SQL Server.   In this post, I am going to talk about an easier way to accomplish this by attaching a persistent volume to the container.   With this method you don’t have to copy any files into the container, and it makes the overall process easier and repeatable.

First, before we get into the code, let’s talk about what a volume is.  Essentially, a volume is a location on the host machine that can be referenced by the container.  I think of this as a shared folder that the container can see.  Once attached to the container, it can then read or write to the volume.   You can easily declare the volume when you create the container with a simple switch in the command.

John’s examples are on a Mac, but the concepts are essentially the same for Windows or Linux.

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Kubernetes on Virtualized Hardware

Chris Adkin gives us the pros and cons of running Kubernetes on virtual hardware:

A full discussion on Kubernetes security is beyond the scope of this blog post. However, the Mitre Att&ck Framework provides a comprehensive matrix of security attack patterns. Microsoft have produced a similar style of matrix to cover Kubernetes in this blog. As per the blog, resource hijacking and lateral movement have ramifications for multi-tenant platforms and Kubernetes application delivery techniques via things such as GitOps – where you may have one Kubernetes cluster per code branch. Putting nodes in their own virtual machines, provides an extra layer of defense that can reduce the impact of pods that might become malicious as the result of an attack. VMware vSphere 7.0 (more on this later) takes this concept further by running each pod in its own light weight virtual machine.

Click through for a breakdown of each side’s arguments.

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