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Category: Cloud

The Value of PostgreSQL in Azure

Grant Fritchey does some explaining:

I’ve had people come up to me and say “PostgreSQL is open source and therefore license free. Why on earth would I put PostgreSQL in Azure?”

Honestly, I think that’s a very fair question. The shortest possible answer is, of course, you don’t have to. You can host your own PostgreSQL instances on local hardware, or build out VMs in Azure and put PostgreSQL out there, some other VM host, or maybe in Kubernetes containers, I mean, yeah, you have tons of options. So why PostgreSQL in Azure, and specifically, I mean the Platform as a Service offering? Let’s talk about it.

The biggest issue I’ve historically had with PostgreSQL or MySQL platform-as-a-service offerings in Azure is that Microsoft is always behind the release curve. With PostgreSQL, it’s not so bad—flexible server offers version 14.7, which is one major version behind Postgres itself (15) but at least the latest minor version. They’ve caught up on MySQL, but for a while, they were way behind.

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Slowly-Changing Dimensions in the Serverless SQL Pool

Lilliam Leme is building a serverless warehouse:

As organizations continue to collect and store large volumes of data in their data lakes, managing this data effectively becomes increasingly important. One key aspect of this is implementing Slow Change Dimension type 2, which allows organizations to track historical data by creating multiple records for a given natural key in the dimensional tables with separate surrogate keys and/or different version numbers. In this blog post we will address the following scenario: a customer wants to implement Slow Change Dimension type 2 on top of their data lake.

For this example, we will use Serverless SQL Pool to demonstrate how this can be done. Additionally, in the next post, we will explore how the same approach can be used with Spark.

This turns out to be more work than a classic SQL Server-based solution because of the fact that the serverless SQL pool is read-only, save for CETAS statements.

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Azure SQL Updates for May 2023

Anna Hoffman gives us the latest news:

Let’s start with Azure SQL Managed Instance, which had several general availability (GA) announcements in April. First, the GA of Link feature for Azure SQL Managed Instance for SQL Server 2016 and 2019 happened. This capability allows you to set up near real-time replication between a SQL Server and SQL MI. You can use this link for scale, migration, read-only workloads, etc. To learn more, review the announcement blog. The team also announced the GA of CETAS. This stands for Create External Table As Select, which essentially means you can create an external table while in parallel exporting the results of a SELECT statement. This has been a customer ask and you can learn how to take advantage of it here.

Read on to learn more about what’s new with the rest of the Azure SQL landscape, and some things happening in the community.

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WaitTime in Power BI

Chris Webb explains what a new metric means:

What does WaitTime represent? Here’s the technical explanation: it’s the wait time on the query thread pool in the Analysis Services engine before the query starts to run. But what does this mean for you as someone trying to tune DAX queries in Power BI?

Chris provides an examplation of exactly that. This tracking of noisy neighbors is interesting, as it would provide insight if you’re noticing variance in dataset refresh times.

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Performing a Cloud Adoption Security Review

Daniel Margetic takes a look:

Security is an ongoing journey of incremental progress and maturity, and not a static destination. The Cloud Adoption Framework provides security guidance for this journey by providing clarity to the processes and best practices. This guidance is based on real world experiences of our customers, of Microsoft’s own security journey and lessons learned, and the work with other organizations like NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) or CIS (Center for Internet Security).

The outcome is manifested in the Cloud Adoption Framework Secure Methodology which provides a vision of the complete end state of your security journey and follows the Zero Trust principle (assume breachverify explicitlyuse least privilege access).

This assessment gives you the opportunity to self-assess your security journey of your cloud adoption against this secure methodology.

Read on to learn more about how CASRs work and how you can perform one yourself.

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Adding Microseconds to ADF Timestamps

Rayis Imayev can’t wait for the next second:

The current addToTime function ( in Azure Data Factory (ADF) only supports a specific set of time units ranging from Year to Seconds. Since I needed to increment a timestamp by microseconds, I had to find an alternative solution in ADF. Here are my findings on how to do this using an alternate approach.

Click through for Rayis’s solution to the problem.

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CETAS to Parquet Files in Azure SQL Managed Instance

Michael Bourgon gives CETAS a chance:

TL;DR – the below lines will allow you to query a table on your MIcreating Parquet files in Azure blob storageAnd you can query it! Next up is partitioning over time, etc, etc. But this is freaking fantastic. I have a python script I wrote that does it, but it’s nowhere as nice/easy as this.

Why do you care? Because it’s a fantastically easy way to archive older data to blob storage, and I suspect (need to test) that if you do it right, you can then have it go to cool/archive storage via a lifecycle setup, so that if you need it much later, you can.

Yep, this is historically one of the best use cases for PolyBase. Unfortunately, we can’t do this in SQL Server 2022, though you can in pre-2022 versions using the Hadoop process. Given that it’s now available in SQL MI, I wouldn’t be too shocked to see it on-premises at some point, with the big question being in SQL Server 2022 or vNext.


Optimizing Kafka Infrastructure Costs

Addison Huddy saves some money:

In this first blog, we’re going to run through the infrastructure costs of running Kafka—i.e., compute, storage, networking, and the additional tooling you need to keep Kafka up and running smoothly. We won’t bury the lede—if you’re running Kafka in the cloud across multiple AZs (as most do for high availability), networking likely represents over 50% of your Kafka infrastructure costs. Let’s see how this ends up being the case.

Click through for some thoughts on how to reduce network costs, using AWS as an example.

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Loading WhoIsActive Data on Azure SQL DB

Andrea Allred wants to know who’s doing what on this system:

I needed to collect sp_WhoIsActive into a table, but the twist was that it is on my Azure Managed Database, so I had to get creative with how I did it. We needed an Azure Pipeline to run it, but we wanted to record it every minute and firing a pipeline every minute adds up fast. So we decided that we would kick it off once an hour and have the process wait for a minute and then fire until the hour ended. Then it fire again at the top of the next hour and the same process would happen.

That’s an interesting way to do it. Another alternative might have been an Azure function app, which you could schedule to run every minute. I think that’d be a lot less expensive than running an Azure Pipeline, and this goes to show you that there are many ways to solve the same problem in Azure.

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