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Category: Backups

Blob Storage for Database Backups

Randolph West has a couple of tools to help upload and download database backup files:

I wrote it because AzCopy was weak and inconsistent. It was fragile, needing constant attention and monitoring in case a journalling file got stuck. Also, AzCopy didn’t keep files in sync. If a file was deleted locally (as part of a cleanup to delete old backups), AzCopy was unable to delete files remotely, so it was messy to maintain files in Blob Storage containers. The uploader was written to keep files in sync, and not have to fuss with AzCopy.

The real value of this tool though, is being able to recover the latest backup files (full, differential and transaction logs where available) which are needed to recover from a catastrophic failure. Without any knowledge of the backups, just knowing the database name, it can parse the list of files in Azure, download the necessary ones to recover, and build a T-SQL script to restore them. Literally all you need to do is run the downloader, then run the restore script.

Randolph talks about how the state of AzCopy has changed and offers up some new guidance as well as tooling updates.

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Scripting Database Restores

Max Vernon helps us out with a query to generate a database restore command:

Just point the script at an existing SQL Server Backup File, and give the new database a name, along with a target folder for the data and log files, and press F5. This script is compatible with SQL Server 2005 and higher, and has been tested on a case-sensitive-collation server.

I think building these out by hand is good practice and helps you learn, but when it’s crunch time, you really want to have a script do the work for you.

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Restoring Databases From Azure

John Morehouse shows how we can restore a database from Azure Blob Storage:

So how do you restore from Azure storage? You do so from an URL.  Let’s take a look!

When you backup a database to Azure, there are two types of blobs that can be utilized, namely page and block blobs.   Due to price and flexibly, it is recommended to use block blobs.  However, depending on which type you used to perform the backup will dictate how the restores are performed.  Both methods require the use a credential, so that information will need to be known before being able to restore from Azure.

Click through for examples using both page blobs and block blobs.

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When Differential Backups Grow Larger Than Fulls

Kenneth Fisher notes that differential backups can end up being larger than full backups of the same database:

The thing about DBA Myths is that they are generally widespread and widely believed. At least I believed this one until I posted What’s a differential Backup?and Randolph West (b/t) pointed out that my belief that differential backups can’t get larger than full backups was incorrect. In fact, differential backups (like FULL backups) contain enough transaction log information to cover transactions that occur while the backup is taking place. So if the amount of data that needs to be backed up combined with transactions requires more space than just the data ….

Read on for a demonstration.

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An Overview of dbatools with Jess and Bert

Bert Wagner has a new video available:

dbatools is one of the coolest community projects I’ve seen – it is amazing how many commands are available to help make managing your SQL Server instances a breeze.

This week I had the opportunity to learn how to use dbatools to automate backups, change recovery models, and discover additional dbatools commands from dbatools contributor Jess Pomfret.

Jess Pomfret then goes into more detail on the commands in the video:

The final tip I had for Bert was how to use Find-DbaCommand to help him find the commands he needed to complete his tasks.

A lot of the commands have tags, which is a good way to find anything relating to compression.

That was a nice collaboration.

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Could Not Clear Differential Bitmap

Jack Vamvas takes us through a reason why you might get error 3041:

An error message has started appearing in the SQL Server Error Logs during a nightly full backup.

Could not clear ‘DIFFERENTIAL’ bitmap in database ‘Database1’ because of error 9002. As a result, the differential or bulk-logged bitmap overstates the amount of change that will occur with the next differential or log backup. This discrepancy might slow down later differential or log backup operations and cause the backup sets to be larger than necessary. Typically, the cause of this error is insufficient resources. Investigate the failure and resolve the cause. If the error occurred on a data backup, consider taking a data backup to create a new base for future differential backups.

Click through for the root cause and solution.

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Backups With Checksum Validation

Eric Blinn shows the upside to performing checksum validation during backups:

Since a full backup reads every data page it makes sense that we can ask SQL Server to calculate and compare each checksum during this operation. Even a differential backup reads all of the pages for any extent (a group of 8 data pages) if any one page in it changes so it will validate some pages that didn’t change.

Read on for a demonstration.

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Database Backups With dbatools

Garry Bargsley continues the 12 Days of dbatools series, this time taking a look at taking backups:

We are on the home stretch and I have saved the last third of the series to cover some pretty cool/amazing commands.  Not that all 500+ commands are not cool/amazing but these last few are used continuously in my environment and bring automation closer to your finger tips with PowerShell and SQL Server then ever before.
Have you ever been asked to take a database backup before a developer does a deployment?  Have you ever been asked to backup a database to restore it to a development or other environment?  How about, hey can you take a quick transaction log backup?  These can all be accomplished using Backup-DbaDatabase and only changing a couple of parameters each time.

This post is strictly about taking backups, but dbatools is also great about testing backups.

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Getting Maintenance Plan Information From Powershell

Shane O’Neill gives us the low-down on what we need to do in order to retrieve maintenance plan information from SQL Server using Powershell:

It’s surprisingly difficult to get this information in SQL Server. In fact I was quite stuck trying to figure out how to get this information when I realized that the good people over at Brent Ozar Unlimited already do some checking on this for their sp_Blitz tool.

A quick look at the above code showed me that dbo.sysssispackages was what I was looking for. Combine this with:

  • 1. Some hack-y SQL for the frequency in human readable format, and
  • 2. Some even more hack-y SQL to join on the SQL Agent Job name

And we had pretty much the XML for the Maintenance Plan and the SQL Agent Job Schedule that they were against.

Shane has made the code available as well, so check it out if you have any maintenance plans you’re trying to understand and maybe even get away from.

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