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Category: Administration

SQL Server R Services Troubleshooting

Ginger Grant walks us through a few troubleshooting tactics with SQL Server 2016 R Services:

Much to my surprise after this I received an error

Msg 39019, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
An external script error occurred:
Unable to launch the runtime. ErrorCode 0x80070490: 1168(Element not found.).
Msg 11536, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
EXECUTE statement failed because its WITH RESULT SETS clause specified 1 result set(s), but the statement only sent 0 result set(s) at run time.

I looked in the log files and didn’t find any errors.  I checked the configuration manager to ensure that I had some user ids configured in the configuration manager.  Nothing seemed to make any difference.  Looking online, the only error that I saw which might possibly be close was a different error message about 8.3 naming and the working directory.

This service is somewhat finicky to set up in my experience, though once you have it configured, it tends to be pretty stable.

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Docker Stop Versus Docker Kill

Andrew Pruski explains why docker kill is so much faster than docker stop:

When running demos and experimenting with containers I always clear down my environment. It’s good practice to leave a clean environment once you’ve finished working.

To do this I blow all my containers away, usually by running the docker stop command.

But there’s a quicker way to stop containers, the docker kill command.

Sending SIGTERM isn’t particularly polite and doesn’t let processes clean up, which could leave your process in an undesirable state during future runs.  But if you’re just re-deploying a container, you don’t really care about the prior state of the now-disposed container.

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Minimizing Problem Reproductions

Lonny Niederstadt explains the value of a minimalistic repro:

Often among the hardest of my decisions is whether I should spend more time trying to simplify a given problem by eliminating additional factors, shrinking the data needed for a repro, etc… or just put all that effort into investigation purely aimed at understanding the behavior. I expect that to be a long-term challenge 🙂

I was quite happy with the way this particular one worked out, though. It started as a maze… access violations generated on a SQL Server 2016 instance with dozens of databases. The access violation came from an insert query using a synonym – with the underlying table in another database! (I didn’t know that was possible – or *ever* desirable – until I saw it in this context.) The AV was occurring during a multi-step data transfer process and it was hard to isolate the data flowing into and out of the two databases in question. But after some finagling, I got the problem repro pretty doggone small. Reproduced the AVs on several CUs of SQL Server 2016 and on SQL Server 2017 RC2.

If you think you’re going to enlist the help of someone outside your organization, then you definitely want a minimalistic repro.  That will reduce the risk of red herrings, reduce the burden of assistance, and make it much more likely that some poor sap in support can actually fix your problem if it turns out to be a bug.

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Messing With Views

Daniel Janik shows what happens when you add a column to the middle of a table while a SELECT * view exists on that table:

Let’s say you get a request or maybe the developer adds a column in the middle of the table. What happens to the view? Was it created with SELECT *? Could the title of this post just as easily have been “Don’t SELECT * ever again!”? Sure…

This is exactly what had happened. The table was altered and the view didn’t change. The view was actually throwing a date from string conversion error.

Let’s take a peek at the after math of adding a column without rebuilding the view.

To Daniel’s two take-aways I would add a third:  don’t use the GUI to insert columns in the middle of a table.  The order of columns in a relational table is ultimately irrelevant, so add new columns at the end.  That avoids this problem altogether.

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Instant File Initialization On Linux

Anthony Nocentino explains how instant file initialization works on SQL Server on Linux:

With strace up and running let’s turn on the trace flags to enable output for Instant File Initialization and create database that has a 100MB data file and a 100MB log file. Check out this post from Microsoft for more details on the trace flags. This database create code is straight from their post. I changed the model database’s data and log file sizes to 100MB each. Also, it’s important to note Instance File Initialization is only for data files, log files are zeroed out due to requirements for crash recovery. We’re going to see that in action in a bit…

Read the whole thing.

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Rounding Up The Usual Suspects

Arun Sirpal shows us the suspect pages table in msdb:

Did you know that SQL Server tracks suspect pages and puts the details into the msdb database in a table called suspect_pages? Well it does, but the question I want answering is what happens if the page within the suspect pages table is fixed? Does it automatically get removed/updated or do we as the administrators have to do anything manually?

Let’s find out.

It’s a useful table to monitor.

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Dealing With Noisy Neighbors

Kevin Kline explains what Resource Governor does:

There are lots of ways to manage noisy neighbors. For example, you could spin up additional instances of SQL Server on a single physical or virtual machine (VM), and then segregate the applications to a distinct instance. You could also follow the old adage of “one application, one SQL Server” by putting the SQL Server onto its own machine, either physical or virtual. But that can get very expensive very quickly, depending on your licensing methodology.

If you’re running SQL Server 2008 or later, you might want to investigate Resource Governor as an alternative. Resource Governor lets you create limits on the amount of system resources a database and application can consume. On versions 2008 to 2012, Resource Governor can explicitly limit CPU and memory and, starting with version 2014, limit I/O consumption as well. This is powerful medicine for multi-tenant instances with noisy neighbors!

My response to noisy neighbors is to turn my music up really loud as a passive-aggressive response.  Oh, wait, wrong kind of noisy neighbor…  H/T SentryOne

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Creating Database Snapshots

David Fowler has a script which lets you create database snapshots easily:

The procedure takes two parameters,

@DatabaseList – a comma delimited string of database names, allows wildcards
@ListOnly – 1- a list of affected databases will be displayed but snapshots aren’t created.
0- Snapshots are created automatically DEFAULT

I’m a big fan of database snapshots in development and QA environments—take a snapshot, run a workload, revert the snapshot.

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Automatically Fix Those VLFs

Tracy Boggiano has a script which will fix log files with high virtual log file counts:

First part of the process if to capture the info from DBCC LOGINFO or if you are ready for 2017 the new dmv sys.dm_db_log_stats into a table you can read later to know how many VLFs exist in your database currently. So we going to create table called VLFInfo and used the procedure VLF_UpdateInfo to populate that data.  The procedure would be called in step one of a SQL Agent Job to automate the fixing of VLF files during appropriate maintenance windows on your server.  But as you will see in the Step 2 may solutions tries to account for not doing to close to when the file just grew an acquired those new lovely extra VLFs.

Read on for the code.

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Schema Comparison With Visual Studio

Arun Sirpal shows off the Schema Compare functionality within Visual Studio:

A very common requirement which can be satisfied by various tools. Personally I like using Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition and I thought I would do a quick overview of it.

First thing, you can find the download from this link:  and once installed (making sure that you select SQL Server Data Tools)  go find Visual Studio 2017 and you will be presented with your start screen.

Click through for the process.  This tool is nice for one-off jobs, like when you want to synchronize production down to source control or see the differences between two environments.  But if you’re doing these comparisons a lot, I think you’re better off scripting it out using SMO and Powershell.

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