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Changing The Default Filegroup

Kenneth Fisher shows how you can change the default filegroup:

You know you can have multiple filegroups right? You might have a separate filegroup for the data (the clustered index & heaps) and another for the indexes (non-clustered indexes). Or maybe you want to separate your data tables from the system tables. There are any number of reasons why you might want to have multiple filegroups, however, there will always be a primary filegroup and it will always be the default if you don’t specify otherwise. Right? Wrong.

I’ve never seen a way to remove primary or to move the system objects in it. However, you can change the primary filegroup.

Having a separate filegroup for your tables and another for indexes (or splitting things up some other way) can help get a database back online faster, as you can restore the system tables first and then restore filegroups as needed.