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Finding The Last Known Good CHECKDB Run

Amy Herold shows how to find the last known CHECKDB run for each database on a SQL Server instance:

Wednesday I walk into the office and immediately hear that CHECKDB is the source of issues on one of the servers and is the reason behind some errors that have been happening. While I don’t think this is the case (it might look like it on the surface but there is something else that is happening that is the actual cause) I also wanted to find out what CHECKDB was running at the time the errors occurred.

I needed information on when CHECKDB ran for each database. When you look for what you can run to find when CHECKDB was last run you find this blog post and also this blog post on grabbing this info. While these were very informative, they were for one database at a time. I need this for all the databases so I can try to not only find out when each one ran, but also use these time stamps to figure out the duration.

The big recommendation I’d make with regard to this is not to use sp_msforeachdb.  Otherwise, click through for a good script.