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Mapping Server Audit Action IDs

Solomon Rutzky tries to reverse engineer the action_id values used in SQL Server audits:

This post is, for the most part, a continuation of Server Audit Mystery 1: Filtering class_type gets Error Msg 25713. In that post I was trying to filter on the class_type field / predicate source (i.e. the object, or whatever, that the event is on). The tricky part was that class_type is supposed to be filterable on string values such as U for “User Table”, P for “Stored Procedure”, etc. But, the reality is that it has to be filtered using numbers, and that list does not seem to be documented anywhere. Fortunately, I was able to find the list of possible numbers, so all is well with regards to class_type.

When it comes to the action_id field, however, we are not so lucky. It, too, should be filterable on the string codes that are returned by sys.database_audit_specification_details and sys.fn_get_audit_file. But, just like class_type, only numbers can be used for filtering. And, like class_type, that list of numbers does not seem to be documented anywhere. But, unlike class_type, I cannot find any list of numbers (in SQL Server) that corresponds to the available actions. I did find a list of statements by looking at Extended Events info (since Audits use Extended Events):

FROM sys.dm_xe_map_values
WHERE [name] = N'statement_type';

but it wasn’t the correct list. So, this means that I have to go hunting for these values the even-harder way

Read on for some fun with binary tree search.