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Category: Administration

Mapping Server Audit Action IDs

Solomon Rutzky tries to reverse engineer the action_id values used in SQL Server audits:

This post is, for the most part, a continuation of Server Audit Mystery 1: Filtering class_type gets Error Msg 25713. In that post I was trying to filter on the class_type field / predicate source (i.e. the object, or whatever, that the event is on). The tricky part was that class_type is supposed to be filterable on string values such as U for “User Table”, P for “Stored Procedure”, etc. But, the reality is that it has to be filtered using numbers, and that list does not seem to be documented anywhere. Fortunately, I was able to find the list of possible numbers, so all is well with regards to class_type.

When it comes to the action_id field, however, we are not so lucky. It, too, should be filterable on the string codes that are returned by sys.database_audit_specification_details and sys.fn_get_audit_file. But, just like class_type, only numbers can be used for filtering. And, like class_type, that list of numbers does not seem to be documented anywhere. But, unlike class_type, I cannot find any list of numbers (in SQL Server) that corresponds to the available actions. I did find a list of statements by looking at Extended Events info (since Audits use Extended Events):

FROM   sys.dm_xe_map_values
WHERE  [name] = N'statement_type';

but it wasn’t the correct list. So, this means that I have to go hunting for these values the even-harder way

Read on for some fun with binary tree search.

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Connection Pooling And Slow Leaks

Warren Estes explains how connection pools work and troubleshoots a connection pooling issue:

When an application connects to a database it takes resources to establish that connection. So rather than doing this over and over again a connection pool is established to handle this functionality and cache connections. There are several issues that can arise if either the pool is not created with the same connection string (fragmentation), or if the connections are simply not closed/disposed of properly.

In the case of fragmentation, each connection string associated with a connection is considered part of 1 connection pool. If you create 2 connection strings with different database names, maxpool values, timeouts, or security then you will in effect create different connection pools. This is much like how query plans get stored in the plan cache. Different white space, capital letters all create different plans.

You can get the .NET pool counts from:
Performance Monitor> .NET data provider for SQL Server > NumberOfActiveConnectionPools

Click through for more information.

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Finding The Last Known Good CHECKDB Run

Amy Herold shows how to find the last known CHECKDB run for each database on a SQL Server instance:

Wednesday I walk into the office and immediately hear that CHECKDB is the source of issues on one of the servers and is the reason behind some errors that have been happening. While I don’t think this is the case (it might look like it on the surface but there is something else that is happening that is the actual cause) I also wanted to find out what CHECKDB was running at the time the errors occurred.

I needed information on when CHECKDB ran for each database. When you look for what you can run to find when CHECKDB was last run you find this blog post and also this blog post on grabbing this info. While these were very informative, they were for one database at a time. I need this for all the databases so I can try to not only find out when each one ran, but also use these time stamps to figure out the duration.

The big recommendation I’d make with regard to this is not to use sp_msforeachdb.  Otherwise, click through for a good script.

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Building A Windows Failover Cluster

David Fowler continues his series on building a test lab:

Now I don’t want to get into the details of Quorum, there are plenty of great posts out there that explain it far better than I can but in a nutshell, each node in the cluster has a vote and we really want the total number of votes to be an odd number.  But we’ve only got two servers, does that mean that we need a create another server to make an odd number?  Well, no we don’t.  What we can use is what’s known as a file share witness, and that’s simply a file share that each of the nodes in the cluster can access.  That file share will effectively act as our third vote.

So first thing that you’re going to need to do is create a file share somewhere, the best place for that in our setup would be on the domain controller or somewhere that we know is always likely to be available.  So go and do that now, call it what you like but make sure that the servers are going to have full rights to it.  As this is just our own personal little test lab and we’re not too worried about best practices you could possibly open it up to EVERYONE (probably not a great idea in a production environment but not the end of the world if we want to be lazy in our own little play pen).

David also shows how to set up an Availability Group.

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Cycling The SQL Server Error Log

Kenneth Fisher recommends cycling the SQL Server error log regularly:

You’ll note I have it set to keep 32 files. This way I have at least a months worth of information. It’s probably more than I need, but for my personal box, that’s what I chose. For your company, it’s going to depend on your needs. You can keep up to 99 files but that seems a bit excessive to me. Of course, these files aren’t all that large (usually) so it’s up to you.

I’d go with a bit more than 32—if you have three service restarts in March, you won’t have a full month’s worth of information.  Regardless of the exact number you choose, it’s a smart idea to cycle this regularly.

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Cloning A SQL Server Installation

Jana Sattainathan shows how you can find the configuration options used when installing SQL Server:

Let us say that you want to install SQL Server on another host say NewHost but you want it to have the same settings as another host/instance on say ModelHost. In fact, let us say that these are almost identical hosts with similar drive locations and such and you are positive that you want the exact setup on both.

The hard way is to look at what features ModelHost has and try to click through the installation wizard with the correct options selected/input.

Fortunately, there is an easier way to clone an installation. Even if you installed manually using the installation wizard, SQL Server still generates a configuration file with all the settings used (except passwords) for the installation. We can simply use that file from the ModelHost to drive the installation on NewHost

Click through to see where that configuration file is and how you can use it.

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Automatic Tuning In SQL Server 2017

Arun Sirpal shows off one of the more interesting features in SQL Server 2017:

Before we begin any further let’s do a little recap. Automatic tuning in SQL Server 2017 notifies you whenever a potential performance issue is detected, and lets you apply corrective actions, or lets the Database Engine automatically fix performance problems, this is also available in Azure SQL Database.

There are 2 parts to it, automatic plan correction and automatic index management, for SQL Server 2017, automatic index management it IS NOT part of the product.

To switch automatic plan correction on you will need to run the following code against your database.

I’m looking forward to seeing this expand much further.

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The SQLUndercover Inspector

Adrian Buckman announces the SQLUndercover Inspector:

In a Nutshell:

The SQLUndercover Inspector is a configurable daily report written in SQL that will send you an email (or log the report to a SQL Table) showing you information about specific parts of SQL Server in HTML format including highlighted warnings/advisory conditions, the report has configurable thresholds and settings leaving you in control.

Click through to see what they track.

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Expanding LVM Drives

David Klee shows how to expand an LVM drive on Linux:

Next in our SQL Server on Linux series is one important question. On Windows, if you’re about to run out of space, you get your VM admin / storage admin to expand one or more of your drives, and you go to Disk Management and expand the drive with no downtime. How do we accomplish this same task on Linux?

First, SSH into your VM. Get your appropriate system engineer to expand the drive that needs to be expanded. You won’t be able to see it at first in Linux because, just like in Windows, it’ll need to rescan the storage to ‘see’ the extra space. Sometimes Windows does it automatically, and sometimes you have to initiate it manually. In Linux it only does this on system startup.

Let’s grow our data drive from 250GB to 300GB first.

Click through to see how to do that.

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Filtering Alert Noise With A Leaky Bucket Algorithm

I have a post implementing a leaky bucket algorithm in T-SQL:

Now that we have a table, we want to do something with it.  The most naive solution would be to fire off an alert every time a row gets added to this table.  The problem with this solution is that it can flood our inbox with useless information.  Suppose the developers push out an API change that breaks everything.  The first 500 response will be important information.  The second one might be important because it’s confirmatory.  The six hundredth alert will not help.  And heaven help you if you’ve got this alert tied to your PagerDuty account…

So let’s only alert if we get to a certain threshold—we’ll call it 5 messages.  Fewer than 5 and we can assume it’s a blip or just somebody doing something weird.  The next part of the problem is, 5 messages per what?  We don’t want to alert for every fifth error message.  Let’s say we get one error message a year, so there was one in 2014, one in 2015, one in 2016, one in 2017, and now one in 2018.  If we simply set our threshold to report on every fifth error, we’ll get an alert in 2018, but most likely, the prior years’ errors are long gone by now, so that’s not helpful.

Read on for the solution.  I’ve been quite happy with the solution in practice, as it has cut down the number of spurious alert e-mails to practically nil.

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