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Category: Administration

Using Azure Logic Apps For Database Tasks

Arun Sirpal shows off a technique he has developed to run maintenance jobs against Azure SQL Database databases:

I have been using Azure Logic apps recently to build some workflows to gather data from external sources ultimately inserting it into a database for reporting, I then got thinking, how can this be useful for “DBA” based tasks? Let’s take a step back for a minute, what are logic apps? It is a technology that helps integrate apps, data, systems, and services across enterprises. Key parts of a logic app solution are connectors, triggers and actions.

I decided that I wanted to execute a stored procedure every 6 hours to capture wait statistics for my Azure SQL Database and log the information in a table.

This is what my workflow looks like.

There are a few alternatives available, so it’s nice to see an example of one of them.

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The Power Of Registered Servers In SSMS

Nisarg Upadhyay introduces us to Central Management Server and Registered Servers in SQL Server Management Studio:

We will:

  1. Designate a SQL Server instance as “Central Management server”.

  2. Create server groups named Production servers and Development servers under CMS server.

  3. Register “QA Testing server” and “Staging server” under the development server group, and “HR DB” and “Sales DB” under the production server group.

  4. Connect and access the CMS server from another server inside the same domain using SSMS.

Once you get past a few SQL Server instances, having a CMS in place is a fantastic idea.

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Configuring MSDTC

Ryan Adams gives us the skinny on the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator:

MSDTC configuration is not as straight forward as you might think.  It’s a different choice if you are using a local MSDTC, clustered MSDTC, on-premises, Azure, Failover Cluster, or Availability Group.  Every one of those variables leads you down a different path with different choices.  The goal of this article is to clarify those choices.

If you think you do not use the MSDTC, you better check again.  I frequently see folks using it that do not realize it.  The most common is Linked Servers.  You got it.  If you are using Linked Servers, you’re using the MSDTC.

You are no longer required to install an MSDTC with a SQL Failover Cluster starting in SQL Server 2008.  That does not mean you do not need an MSDTC configuration.  If you wanted to make your application database highly available, but your application did not use the MSDTC you were being required to install one anyway.  That limitation is what was removed, not that you simply didn’t need a clustered MSDTC.

Read the whole thing.

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Using Wireshark

Julia Evans explains how she uses Wireshark:

Usually I use Wireshark to debug networking problems in production. My Wireshark workflow is:

  1. Capture packets with tcpdump (typically something like sudo tcpdump port 443 -w output.pcap
  2. scp the pcap file to my laptop (scp host:~/output.pcap .)
  3. Open the pcap file in Wireshark (wireshark output.pcap)

That’s pretty simple! But once you have a pcap file with a bunch of packets on your laptop, what do you do with it?

Wireshark is my go-to tool for diagnosing networking issues.

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SQL Server 2008 (And R2) Nearing End Of Support

The SQL Server team reminds us that those SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2 instances are nearing end of support:

SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2 have had a tremendous run. But all good things come to an end, right? On July 9, 2019, Microsoft will end Extended Support, which means no more updates or support of any kind, potentially leaving you vulnerable to security and compliance issues.

The good news is, you still have plenty of time and options to avoid any heartburn caused by the technology “circle of life.” And we’ll lay out all of those options for you in a webinar on July 12.

Non-contrarian opinion:  get those old SQL Server instances updated.  Life is so much better on the 2012 and later branch.

Contrarian opinion:  core-based licensing had such a major impact on businesses that five years from now, we’ll still see more SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2 in the wild than we see 2005 today.

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The Hidden Performance Costs Of Collation Mismatch

Nate Johnson explains why you want collation consistency when joining tables together on varchar/nvarchar columns:

There’s a subtle difference here, vs. those many community blog posts, which I’ll repeat.  The columns are of the same type.  Just different collations.

And when the collation on the join predicates is different, bad things happen. Let’s take CustomerNumber for example. On the ERP side, it’s a nvarchar(20) collate Latin1_General_100_CI_AS. On the internal & web apps side, it’s a varchar(20) collateSQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. As you might imagine, this is a prime field for joining because it’s the main customer identified throughout all the systems.

Let’s be clear here. This is a numeric value only. Did it need to support Unicode? Absolutely not. Should it have been an int or bigint? Probably. But did The ERP designers choose to make it Unicode string anyway? Yep.

Read on to see how Nate tries to dig himself out of this hole.

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How Perfmon Memory Counters Fit Together

Lonny Niederstadt takes us through a tour of how various Perfmon memory counters relate:

Wading through all of the SQL Server memory-related perfmon counters to understand how they related to each other took me a really long time.  Time-series graphs that show the relationship help me tremendously, and when I started trying to account for SQL Server memory years ago I couldn’t find any.  So I started to blog some time-series graphs, under the theory that either my understanding was correct and my graphs would be helpful to someone… or they’d be wrong and someone would correct me.
Well… its been about 5 years and my graphs haven’t generated too much discussion, but they’ve really helped me 😀😀😀

Perfmon: SQL Server Database pages + Stolen pages + Free pages = Total pages

Working with SQL Server 2016 and some demanding ColumnStore batch mode workloads, I began to see suspicious numbers, and graphs that didn’t make sense to me.  Today I got pretty close to figuring it out so I wanted to share what I’ve learned.

The following graphs are from a 4×10 physical server running Windows and SQL Server.  Four sockets, 4 NUMA nodes.

For bonus points, Lonny traces down a problem where expectations aren’t meeting reality.

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Reading The Transaction Log

Nesha Maric shows us a couple of methods and a third-party tool for reading the SQL Server transaction log:

Update operations in SQL Server are not fully logged in the transaction log. Full before-and-after values, unfortunately don’t exist, only the delta of the change for that record. For example, SQL Server may show a change from “H” to “M” when the actual record that was changed was from “House” to “Mouse”. To piece together the full picture a process must be devised to manually reconstruct the history of changes, including the state of the record prior to update. This requires painstakingly re-constructing every record from the original insert to the final update, and everything in between.

BLOBs are another challenge when trying to use fn_dblog to read transaction history. BLOBs, when deleted, are never inserted into the transaction log. So examining the transaction log won’t provide information about its existence unless the original insert can be located. But only by combining these two pieces of data will you be able to recover a deleted BLOB file. This obviously requires that the original insert exists in the active/online portion of the transaction log, the only part accessible to fn_dblog. This may be problematic if the original insert was done some weeks, months or years earlier and the transaction log has been subsequently backed up or truncated

I’ve tried to avoid messing directly with the transaction log whenever possible, but there are scenarios where it’s the only place you have needed information.

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Testing Network Speed Between Azure Regions

Dave Bermingham has some quick inter-region tests for Azure network performance:

This is the question I asked myself today and of course I couldn’t find this documented anywhere. I’m assuming there is no guarantee and it probably depends on current utilization, etc. If I’m wrong, someone please point me to the documentation that states the available speed. I primarily looked here and here.

So I set up two Windows 2016 D4s v3 instances, one in Central US and one in East US 2, which are paired regions.

If you don’t know what peering is, it essentially lets you to easily connect two different Azure virtual networks. Peering is very easy to setup, just make sure you configure it from both Virtual Networks, I made that mistake at first. Once it is configured properly it will look something like this.

Read on for Dave’s results.

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Finding The Max Number Of Sequences You Can Have In SQL Server

Jon Shaulis looks into how many sequences you can have on a SQL Server instance:

I thought this was an interesting question, but it makes sense to have some concern about it. If you are using Sequences over identity inserts, this typically means you need more control over how those numbers are handled from creation to archive. So what if you need a lot of different Sequences stored on your server to handle your needs? Will you run out of Sequence objects that you can create?

This information is not intuitively simple to find, this is one of those times where you need to read various articles and connect the dots. Let’s start simple

This is one of those cases where Swart’s 10% Rule comes into play.

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