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Month: May 2024

A Primer on SSIS Package Deployment

Andy Brownsword gives us a blast from the past:

Configurations for Integration Services packages allow us to tailor their execution without needing to redeploy. There are two main ways to manage these configurations – Package Configuration and Project Configuration. In this post we’ll look at the Package Configuration approach.

Package deployment was the original approach, though as Andy points out, it’s no longer the default.

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Data Quality Issues in Python-Based Time Series Analysis

Hadi Fadlallah checks out the data:

Time-series data analysis is one of the most important analysis methods because it provides great insights into how situations change with time, which helps in understanding trends and making the right choices. However, there is a high dependence on its quality.

Data quality mistakes in time series data sets have implications that extend over a large area, such as the accuracy and trustworthiness of analyses, as well as their interpretation. For instance, mistakes can be caused by modes of data collection, storage, and processing. Specialists working on these data sets must acknowledge these data quality obstacles.

Read on for several examples of data quality issues you might run into in a time series dataset, as well as their fixes.

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Checking if a Column Exists in an R Data Frame

Steven Sanderson takes a peek:

When working with data frames in R, it’s common to need to check whether a specific column exists. This is particularly useful in data cleaning and preprocessing, to ensure your scripts don’t throw errors if a column is missing. Today, we’ll explore several methods to perform this check efficiently in R, and I encourage you to try these methods out with your own data sets.

Read on for four ways to do this.

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Including a SQL Query in an Expression in SSRS

Slava Murygin shares a tip:

Why: Most of the time, when you want a flexibility of your SQL query you can use parameterization. However there might be a situation when you’d need to build a dynamic query. In my case I used SQL query within an expression to feed it to multiple data sources targeting different servers with the exact same query.

Read on to see what Slava has fought with in the past.

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Optimized Column Order for Indexes

Eitan Blumin talks indexing:

SQL Server performance optimization is not a simple topic, and index design plays a pivotal role in it, determining the efficiency of database queries.

One key aspect that often influences performance is the order of columns in an index.

In this guide, I’ll use my real-world experience from our consulting jobs to examine the thinking process behind selecting the best column sequence for an index, the logic behind the decisions, and offer some practical insights for optimal database performance.

Read on to learn more about indexing strategy. And this is probably a good time to remind people that the missing index DMV’s column order has as its sole basis the column’s ordinal value. You can, and often will, do better than the missing index DMV recommendation by going through Eitan’s exercise.

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Optimized Locking in Azure SQL Database

Bob Pusateri locks the door:

One of the newer features introduced in Azure SQL Database is “Optimized Locking”. But what does that mean, and how does it compare to the apparently “un-optimized” locking the SQL relational engine has been using up to this point? Let’s dive in and take a look.

Read on to learn more about optimized locking and how it compares to the traditional form of locking available in SQL Server today.

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A Review of the Microsoft Fabric Security Whitepaper

Kevin Chant takes a look:

To manage expectations, Microsoft do openly state during the introduction that this white paper was created by combining multiple online security documents together.

Which probably explains some of the repetition. However, multiple references are better than none.

Plus, in the introduction they provide a link to the main Microsoft Fabric security page. Which is good starting point if you know what security feature you are looking for.

Anyway, the content itself is good. It provides some really good explanations and diagrams relating to certain areas. To help demystify certain aspects of security for some people.

Read on for Kevin’s first impressions of the whitepaper.

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Checking if a Column Contains a String in R

Steven Sanderson performs a check:

Whether you’re doing some data cleaning or exploring your dataset, checking if a column contains a specific string can be a crucial task. Today, I’ll show you how to do this using both str_detect() from the stringr package and base R methods. We’ll also tackle finding partial strings and counting occurrences. Let’s dive right in!

Read on for a few variants on the theme.

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Scripting SQL Server Object DDL to Folder via dbatools

Jana Sattainathan writes a script:

Today, I am going to show a simple script that uses dbatools to script out SQL Server Database level objects like Tables, Views, Stored Procedures, SQL Agent Jobs, Triggers, Database Users, etc.,

With dbatools, it is simple enough to also script out Instance level objects like logins, database mail profiles/accounts, credentials, SQL Agent objects, linked servers, Central Management Server objects, server configuration settings (sp_configure), user objects in systems databases, system triggers and backup devices

Read on for a couple of preparatory notes, followed by the script itself.

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