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Postgres Backup and Recovery with Barman

Muhammad Ali shows off another way to back up and restore data in Postgres databases:

Barman is a production grade tool for managing the backup and recovery process of PostgreSQL databases. It not only handles the physical backups but also provides automatic management of retention policies, compression, near zero Recovery point objective(RPO) and enables recovery at any desired point(PITR) in time within the recovery window.

Barman’s Stream Archiving feature stands out as a key component in achieving zero Recovery Point Objective (RPO). This is achieved by using pg_recievewal utility which continuously backs up Write-Ahead Logging (WAL) files in real-time to a designated Barman server. This capability is particularly important for applications where even minimal data loss is unacceptable.

Read on for a couple questions about it and a demonstration of how Barman works.