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Maximizing the Savings for SQL Developers

Bob Ward is speaking my language:

Whether you build applications for SQL Server on-premises or in Azure, there are several options for you to develop or test for free, or with substantial cost savings. Some of these options you may be familiar with, but this post will help explain details and answer some questions Microsoft often gets to provide you a clear story.

The part in particular I want to focus on is Azure Dev/Test pricing. I give a talk on saving money in the cloud and this is one of the bits most people know very little about. With a Dev/Test subscription in Azure (not just a regular subscription that you call “dev” or “test”!), you can avoid Windows and SQL Server licensing fees, get discounts on certain services like Azure Application Services, and do a bit more with it. It’s something most people don’t know about and the documentation is a little confusing, but Bob does a good job of clarifying things.