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Day: October 5, 2023

How Kafka Consumers Keep Track of Position

The Big Data in Real World team explains:

Let’s say you have a consumer group which has 3 consumers at the moment consuming messages from a topic. Assume that you had to shut down all 3 consumers in the consumer group for some reason. Now when you restart the consumers in the consumer group, how does the consumers know from which offset they should read from the topic to avoid reading the same messages all over again which were already read before the consumers went down?

Read on for the answer.

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An Intro to Databricks Asset Bundles

Dustin Vannoy covers one technique for CI/CD in Databricks:

Databricks Asset Bundles provides a way to version and deploy Databricks assets – notebooks, workflows, Delta Live Tables pipelines, etc. This is a great option to let data teams setup CI/CD (Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment). Some of the common approaches in the past have been Terraform, REST API, Databricks command line interface (CLI), or dbx. You can watch this video to hear why I think Databricks Asset Bundles is a good choice for many teams and see a demo of using it from your local environment or in your CI/CD pipeline.

Click through for a video and some sample scripts.

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Row-Level Security Attack Mitigations

Ben Johnston wraps up a series on row-level security:

As seen in the previous section, there are several ways bad actors can attempt to bypass RLS. Attacks range from removing RLS, getting data from other systems or straight brute-force methods using side-channel attacks. Mechanisms exist for each potential attack that allow you to avoid the attack or monitor for the attack when avoidance isn’t possible. This section covers those mitigations.

RLS can be bypassed or attacked using several broad categories. These include direct attacks, where RLS is modified in a malicious fashion or disabled, indirect attacks where information can be gathered without modifying the underlying RLS, and side-channel attacks that use specially crafted queries to derive data from RLS protected tables. Refer to the previous section of this series, RLS Attacks, for a full explanation of each attack type.

I’ve enjoyed this series and the end is no different.

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Always Use Explicit Measures in Power BI

Ed Hansberry has some advice for us:

All of your analytics in Power BI are done with measures, and there are two ways to create measures. It is important to understand the difference between the two methods. If you drag a field from the data pane directly into a visual, that is an implicit measure. The model usually wraps it with SUM(), but other aggregations are possible, like COUNT() or AVERAGE().

Read on to see what’s wrong with using implicit measures, as well as how to make these explicit.

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Visualizing Kusto Graphs with Plotly and Python

Henning Rauch creates some plots:

Graphs are a powerful way to model and analyse complex relationships between entities, such as cybersecurity incidents, network traffic, social networks, and more. Kusto, the query and analytics engine of Azure Data ExplorerMicrosoft Fabric Real-Time Analytics and many more recently introduced a new feature that enables users to contextualize their data using graphs. In this blog post, we will show you how to use graph semantics to create and explore graph data in Kusto, and how to visualize it using Plotly, a popular library for interactive data visualization in Python.

Graph semantics are a set of operators that allow users to work with graph data in Kusto, without the need to use a separate graph database or framework.

Click through for the KQL you’ll need, as well as how to display that in Plotly.

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