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Day: October 20, 2023

Making a Time Series Stationary in R

Steven Sanderson puts a halt to things:

When working with time series data, one common challenge is dealing with non-stationary data. Non-stationary time series can be a headache for analysts, but fear not, because we have a handy tool to make your life easier. Say hello to the auto_stationarize() function from the {healthyR.ts} package.

Read on to learn why you want stationary data for time series analysis and how the auto_stationarize() function works.

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Capturing a TCP Dump in an Azure Databricks Notebook

Stithi Panigrahi does some troubleshooting:

Due to the potential impact on performance and storage costs, Azure Databricks clusters don’t capture networking logs by default. Follow the below instructions if you need to capture tcpdump to investigate multiple networking issues related to the cluster. These steps will capture a TCP dump on each cluster node–both driver and workers during the entire lifetime of the cluster.

Click through for an initiation script, which generates the actual script, which itself generates the TCP dumps.

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Data Activator in Microsoft Fabric

Johnny Winter takes a look at Data Activator:

It activates data right? Err… not sure that’s even a thing. The one liner I’d give it, is that it acts ON your data.

The concept is that in this day and age, taking action on the insights in your data is still a very manual effort. So why not automate the monitoring of that data and have Data Activator take that action for you? In my mind it’s Microsoft’s attempt to bring Robotic Process Automation (RPA) closer to to your data.

So how does it work and what actions can you take?

That’s where you’ll have to read the whole thing—this post is just a trailer, after all.

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Setting up Ola’s Index Maintenance with Azure Runbooks and Terraform

Josephine Bush builds on prior work:

Yes, you still need to do some work to maintain indexes in Azure SQL Database. This post will walk you through setting up statistic updates and index maintenance using Terraform.

Thanks to Tracy Boggiano for her directions for setting up the runbooks. If you want to do this manually instead of with Terraform, Tracy’s post walks you through it step by step. I only modified the role assignment so it had read to the entire subscription level to loop through every DB in the subscription.

Thanks to Kendra for blogging about index maintenance in Azure SQL. Her post helped me decide on index maintenance thresholds.

Click through for a link to Josephine’s GitHub repo and a walkthrough of how it all works.

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Fast Key Optimization in SQL Server

Paul White explains the performance benefits of fast key optimization and when you can get them:

SQL Server can be called upon to sort a variety of data types. To facilitate this, the sorting code normally calls out to a specific comparator to determine how two compared values should sort: lower, higher, or equal.

Although calling comparator code has low overhead, performing enough of them can cause noticeable performance differences.

To address this, SQL Server has always (since at least version 7) supported a fast key optimization for simple data types. 

Click through to learn which data types support fast key optimization and to gain a feeling of the performance impact.

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Taking over a Personal Power BI Workspace

Olivier Van Steenlandt performs a hostile takeover:

The end user can save a Power BI report created in the Power BI Service in their own Personal Workspace but then they have no way to share it with their team. It remains a personal report/analysis.

When executing the analysis in Excel, they can distribute the Excel-file as they see fit.

The pitfall of personal workspaces in Power BI, from my point of view, is that if someone leaves the company, there isn’t a straight forward way for other end users to  take-over previously created analysis.

This is where the Power BI Administrator can be of importance.

Read on to see how a Power BI Administrator can gain access to a personal workspace and migrate reports out of it.

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