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Day: October 26, 2023

Functional Programming and R

Anirban Shaw ties functional programming to R:

Functional Programming‘s relevance in the R programming language, a language primarily known for its prowess in data analysis and statistical computing, is particularly noteworthy. By leveraging functional programming, organizations can improve operational efficiency and gain a competitive edge

R’s ecosystem is enriched by functional programming paradigms, which enable developers and data scientists to write concise and expressive code for tasks such as data manipulation, transformation, and visualization.

In this article, we take a deep dive into the fundamental characteristics of R, the advantages of adopting functional programming within it and the essential concepts ingrained in the core of R. 

Read on to see how the two fit together. H/T R-Bloggers.

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Working with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure from Python

Brendan Tierney peruses an SDK:

Having set up your Oracle Cloud account and perhaps initiated some services, such as an Autonomous Database or an AI Service, you have some options with how you’ll interact with those services. The first is to use the online interfaces and tools for them. Another is to access these OCI services from your local PC or laptop. This latter method gives you greater flexibility for accessing these services, automating various tasks and building out some applications. This post will step through how to install the necessary Python library, how to configure for connecting to OCI and will demo some of the simpler APIs for accessing the OCI services. This will help you verify your connection is working correctly.

Click through for the details.

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Understanding Postgres Explain Plans

Muhammad Ali explains explain plans:

In a previous post titled Exploring Postgres Performance: A Deep Dive into pg_stat_statements, we discussed the utility of pg_stat_statements as a tool for identifying resource-intensive queries in terms of memory, CPU, or I/O usage.

Now, let’s suppose you’ve pinpointed certain queries you’d like to investigate further. The EXPLAIN command is used to generate execution plans. It includes:

Read on to see what it includes, how you can generate an explain plan, and some of the optional settings.

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