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Managed Identities and Invoking REST Endpoints from Azure SQL DB

Imke Feldmann executes a Power BI REST endpoint call from Azure SQL Database:

For Azure SQL Databases there is a very cool new preview feature: “sp_invoke_external_rest_endpoint “. This function allows you to call certain Microsoft API endpoints directly from within your Azure database and write that data back into a table for example.

With that, you can for example create a stored procedure that can be triggered from Power Automate. This is ideal for larger datasets that would require long and slow “apply-to-each” rounds or cumbersome bulk-upload-workarounds.

I was struggling with the authentication when using a system assigned managed identity (“service principal”). Thanks to Davide Mauri for telling me how to fill in the parameters for the DATABASE SCOPED CREDENTIALS to make this work for Power BI:

Click through to see that answer, as well as a demonstration of the entire process.