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Writing DAX for Paginated Reports

Adam Aspin shows us how to use DAX functions in Power BI paginated reports:

In the previous articles, you learned – or revised – the basics of using DAX as the query language to populate paginated reports with data from Power BI datasets. However, as befitted an introduction, the focus was essentially on getting up and running. Specifically, the only DAX table function you looked at was SUMMARIZECOLUMNS().

Despite its undeniable usefulness, this function is far from the only DAX function that you can use to query Power BI Datasets when creating Paginated Reports. Moreover, it has limitations when you wish to deliver complete lists of results as it is an aggregation function. This means, for instance, that you will never find duplicate records in the tabular output from SUMMARIZECOLUMNS() as, by default, it is grouping data. Alternatively, if you wish to use SUMMARIZECOLUMNS() to output data at its most granular level, you will need to include a unique field (or a combination of fields that guarantee uniqueness) – even if these are not used in the report output.

It follows that, to extract data in ways that allow effective report creation, it is essential to learn to use a whole range of DAX table functions. 

Click through for a list of functions and how to use them.