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An Introduction to ScriptDOM

Mala Mahadevan gives us an idea of what ScriptDOM is:

I’ve been meaning to get a series of blog posts started on this topic. A twitter conversation from yesterday finally pushed me to it. Last year, I was tasked with finding a linting tool for the large t-sql code base we have at work. I looked into several tools – tsqllint, Sonarqube and several others. We ran into similar issues on all of them. Someone else defining rules for us didn’t work.
One tool called it wrong to use more than 3 tables in a query – we had several with 6-7, maybe even more. Another started to point out lack of indexes on temp tables as a problem (the rule was designed for table scripts but worked the same on code). Getting new rules that we wanted – such as not having unnaming primary keys on temp tables (Querystore doesn’t like them) or having our naming standards enforced meant extra work on someone else’s code. Our rules were custom to our environment. There were generic best practices for sure, such as finding the SELECT * or NOLOCK hints, but those were a small subset of what we needed. I then started looking for a tool with which I could make a custom linter. That’s when I discovered ScriptDOM, which has been around for a really long time with few people knowing or using it. It took me some time to understand how to put this to use. But after I figured it out it was really easy. Now I have a fairly robust, custom linter in place written in PowerShell and integrated well into our Azure DevOps Build process. It is easy to use and it is owned by us.

Read on to see what ScriptDOM can do and stay tuned to learn more.