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Building a Friendship Lamp

Drew Furgiuele is looking for mood lighting tips:

It did get me thinking, though: what if I could take this idea and change it up a bit to where people could send me messages WITHOUT the need for them to have a lamp (and thereby give them plausible deniability of being, in fact, my friend). How would that work? In absence of a lamp, would a web application work? And what if we could let people pick a color in lieu of an actual message? You could send a whole mood!

And just like that, my motivation was restored. Time to get to work.

Click through for the build process, which includes 3D printing components, wiring and soldering to circuit boards, writing software for the IoT device, building the front-end web app, and more. Also, I sent red but now I’m not sure if I regret that color choice based on re-reading the first paragraph above.