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Day: March 22, 2021

Parquet File Performance in Power Query

Chris Webb troubleshoots a performance issue:

There has been a lot of excitement around the newly-added support for reading from Parquet files in Power BI. However I have to admit that I was disappointed not to see any big improvements in performance when reading data from Parquet compared to reading data from CSV (for example, see here) when I first started testing it. So, is Power Query able to take advantage of Parquet’s columnar storage when reading data?

The answer is yes, but you may need to make some changes to your Power Query queries to ensure you get the best possible performance. Using the same data that I have been using in my recent series of posts on importing data from ADLSgen2, I took a single 10.1MB Parquet file and downloaded it to my PC.

It seem like an area of future growth for Power Query, but Chris does show how to eke out some gains right now.

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Actions with Edge and Node Tables in SQL Server

Louis Davidson is a man of action:

One of the interesting things about working with many-to-many relationships in SQL Server with graph tables instead of a relational table is that unlike a relational many-to-many table, by default an edge may can implement relationships from lots of different tables (nodes). You can also limit what nodes can be related using which edges.

For example, say you have 4 nodes and 2 edges, both of the edges, by default, each edge would allow relationships from each node to itself, or each node to each other node. It can all get a bit complicated to figure out if you have a lot of objects (and to be fair, you probably also want to be able to check to make sure your objects are configured as you expect.

In this blog, I will demonstrate how to determine, given a given edge or node, what operations are possible. 

Click through to learn more.

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Building a Friendship Lamp

Drew Furgiuele is looking for mood lighting tips:

It did get me thinking, though: what if I could take this idea and change it up a bit to where people could send me messages WITHOUT the need for them to have a lamp (and thereby give them plausible deniability of being, in fact, my friend). How would that work? In absence of a lamp, would a web application work? And what if we could let people pick a color in lieu of an actual message? You could send a whole mood!

And just like that, my motivation was restored. Time to get to work.

Click through for the build process, which includes 3D printing components, wiring and soldering to circuit boards, writing software for the IoT device, building the front-end web app, and more. Also, I sent red but now I’m not sure if I regret that color choice based on re-reading the first paragraph above.

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Restoring a Database Formerly in an Availability Group

Jack Vamvas has a process for us:

Steps to restore a database from a backup device that was part of an Always On Availability Group, and now needs to be restored 

Recovery Scenario : Requesting an older database copy previously backed up 

Name of Always on Availability Group = MyAG1

Name of Always On Availability Group db = MyAGDB1

Note: this is a workflow – and there may be some slight variations depending your Availability Group set up 

Read on for rest of the workflow.

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Disabling the Powershell Update Nag

Constantine Kokkinos hides an annoyance:

To be clear – I think you should be updating your PowerShell regularly, however the HUGE WHITE BLOCK ACROSS MY ENTIRE SCREEN EVERY TIME I LAUNCH VISUAL STUDIO CODE ISN’T GREAT.

Hated that caps? Yeah, that’s basically my eyes every time I see this nag window inverting the colors across my ennntiiirrreee screen.

Read on for the one-liner which gets rid of this message.

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An Important Vocabulary Lesson

Taiob Ali shares some commonly mistaken terms:

A list of items that people often get wrong. If you have a suggestion, let me know, and I will add them to this page.

On-premises and braces are the two I hear people get wrong the most. I had been afraid that the recognition of “braces” as the proper term had been so lost that I was like a monk in 9th century Ireland transcribing illuminations of worn tomes here.

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