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Azul Java in SQL Server 2019

Travis Wright announces support for Azul Systems’ Java distribution in SQL Server 2019:

In September 2018, Microsoft announced a new partnership with Azul Systems, a leading Java open source contributor and distributor. This partnership allows for all Azure customers to use Azul’s Zulu for Azure – Enterprise distribution of Java for free with support jointly provided by Microsoft and Azul. That’s right – supported for free.

Today, we are announcing that we have extended that partnership to cover SQL Server. Starting in the SQL Server 2019 community technology preview (CTP) 3.2 that was released today, we are including Azul System’s Zulu Embedded right out of the box for all scenarios where Java is used in SQL Server – in PolyBase, Apache Spark, Java extensibility, and more. There is no additional cost beyond what you pay for SQL Server.

This is interesting. We’ll have to see if the CTP 3.2 installation doesn’t ask for JDK 1.8 anymore and just installs the Azul Systems version.