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Month: June 2019

What Compatibility Level 150 Gets You

Erik Darling explains the upsides and downsides of moving to SQL Server 2019 and compatibility level 150:

In those versions, flipping compatibility level uses the new Cardinality Estimator (CE). That new Cardinality Estimator is real hit or miss.

The worst part is that there’s practically no gain to be realized for using higher compatibility levels — that changes with SQL Server 2019.

Read on to see what those new features are. As far as the compatibility level switch goes, there comes a time when you just need to bite the bullet and use the new cardinality estimator. Erik has a few tips to help with that too.

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Create Reports in Power BI Desktop Instead of Service

Melissa Coates explains why you should create reports in Power BI Desktop rather than directly through the Power BI Service:

I always recommend to Power BI authors that report creation & editing should happen in Power BI Desktop and to just ignore the edit capability in the Power BI Service. Usually my reasons are concerned with (a) which version is the latest version and (b) having versioning history, and (c) reducing the risk of someone overwriting someone else’s work because two different reporting editing/publishing options are in use. These are very valid concerns, but I’ve discovered one additional problem that could easily confuse some people: (d) the side effects experienced if you download then re-upload a web-created report. Let me explain…

Read on for that explanation.

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Monte Carlo Simulation in Python

Kristian Larsen has a couple of posts on Monte Carlo style simulation in Python. First up is a post which covers how to generate data from different distributions:

One method that is very useful for data scientist/data analysts in order to validate methods or data is Monte Carlo simulation. In this article, you learn how to do a Monte Carlo simulation in Python. Furthermore, you learn how to make different Statistical probability distributions in Python.

You can also bootstrap your data, reusing data points when building a set of samples:

A useful method for data scientists/data analysts in order to validate methods or data is Bootstrap with Monte Carlo simulation In this article, you learn how to do a Bootstrap with Monte Carlo simulation in Python.

Both posts are worth the read.

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Hyperparameter Tuning with MLflow

Joseph Bradley shows how you can perform hyperparameter tuning of an MLlib model with MLflow:

Apache Spark MLlib users often tune hyperparameters using MLlib’s built-in tools CrossValidator and TrainValidationSplit.  These use grid search to try out a user-specified set of hyperparameter values; see the Spark docs on tuning for more info.

Databricks Runtime 5.3 and 5.3 ML and above support automatic MLflow tracking for MLlib tuning in Python.

With this feature, PySpark CrossValidator and TrainValidationSplit will automatically log to MLflow, organizing runs in a hierarchy and logging hyperparameters and the evaluation metric.  For example, calling will log one parent run.  Under this run, CrossValidator will log one child run for each hyperparameter setting, and each of those child runs will include the hyperparameter setting and the evaluation metric.  Comparing these runs in the MLflow UI helps with visualizing the effect of tuning each hyperparameter.

Hyperparameter tuning is critical for some of the more complex algorithms like random forests, gradient boosting, and neural networks.

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Default Schemas in SQL Server

Max Vernon takes us through the order in which SQL Server searches for tables given a single-part name:

Default schemas in SQL Server can be a blessing, since they reduce the need to specify the schema when creating DDL statements in T-SQL. However, relying on the default schema when creating DML statements can be problematic. A recent question on asked “Does T-SQL have a Schema search path?”, similar to PostgreSQL implements the search_pathparameter. This post shows how schemas are implemented in SQL Server. We’ll also see why it’s important to always specify the schema when using SQL Server.

A lot of this behavior goes back to the pre-2005 era. 2005 introduced schemas as logical separators, whereas pre-2005 they were more of a security measure (and dbo was the database owner’s schema). I completely agree that you should specify two-part names in-database. It’s a tiny bit faster (which adds up when you’re doing thousands of transactions per second) and reduces ambiguity.

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Extended Event Filters Outlive Sessions

Dave Bland ran into an interesting problem during a demo:

Recently during a demo at a SQL Saturday the query to pull the Extended Event session data, didn’t return the expected results. The session I used for the demo was the create database statement.

Prior to the session, I deleted the Create Database session, however did not delete the target files because they are part of the demo.  Then I recreated the session, just as I had done before.  However, this time was there was a difference when I attempted to read the target data.  The entry for the newly created database was not showing up when I used the GUI, however was showing up when I read the XML.  During the session, I was not able to figure out why that was the case.

Click through to see the root cause and how Dave fixed the problem.

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Offloading Code Review Burdens with Automation

Ed Elliott argues that automation and testing can make code reviews easier:

OK so if we break this down into what a DBA should be doing as part of a code review:

– Ensure formatting is correct and any standards followed
– Have they introduces a SQL injection vulnerability?
– Consider any side effects of the actual change, for instance altering a clustered key on a 1 billion row table will take time – is this possible on a live system?
– Consider any performance effects – is this more prone to tempdb spills? How about deadlocks? Is the plan going to be terrible?
– Is the code going to do what the developer wants? Do they have the update statement correct in the merge statement?

That’s a lot, how can we help developers understand enough so that they can review their own code and cause fewer issues in production?

I believe this is a bit aspirational. Nevertheless, if you do get there, life gets easier.

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Tracking xp_cmdshell Executions

Jason Brimhall shows how you can see when someone calls xp_cmdshell, including the call details:

What was the wait_type? Well, the obscure wait_type was called PREEMPTIVE_OS_PIPEOPS. What causes this wait? As it turns out, this is a generic wait that is caused by SQL pipe related activities such as xp_cmdshell.

Knowing this much information however does not get us to the root cause of this particular problem for this client. How do we get there? This is another case for Extended Events (XEvents).

Read on for two ways to approach this, both using Extended Events.

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An Example of p-Hacking

Vincent Granville explains why using p-values for model-worthiness can lead you to a bad outcome:

Recently, p-values have been criticized and even banned by some journals, because they are used by researchers, who cherry-pick observations and repeat experiments until they obtain a p-value worth publishing to obtain grant money, get tenure, or for political reasons.  Even the American Statistical Association wrote a long article about why to avoid p-values, and what you should do instead: see here.  For data scientists, obvious alternatives include re-sampling techniques: see here and here. One advantage is that they are model-independent, data-driven, and easy to understand. 

Here we explain how the manipulation and treachery works, using a simple simulated data set consisting of purely random, non-correlated observations. Using p-values, you can tell anything you want about the data, even the fact that the features are highly correlated, when they are not. The data set consists of 16 variables and 30 observations, generated using the RAND function in Excel. You can download the spreadsheet here.

And for a more academic treatment of the problem, I love this paper by Andrew Gelman and Eric Loken, particularly because it points out that you don’t have to have malicious intent to end up doing the wrong thing.

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Predicting Intermittent Demand

Bruno Rodrigues shows one technique for forecasting intermittent data:

Now, it is clear that this will be tricky to forecast. There is no discernible pattern, no trend, no seasonality… nothing that would make it “easy” for a model to learn how to forecast such data.

This is typical intermittent demand data. Specific methods have been developed to forecast such data, the most well-known being Croston, as detailed in this paper. A function to estimate such models is available in the {tsintermittent} package, written by Nikolaos Kourentzes who also wrote another package, {nnfor}, which uses Neural Networks to forecast time series data. I am going to use both to try to forecast the intermittent demand for the {RDieHarder} package for the year 2019.

Read the whole thing. H/T R-Bloggers

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