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Using Spring Boot To Build A NiFi Operational Dashboard

Tim Spann continues his series on building an Apache NiFi operational dashboard:

To access data to display in our dashboard we will use some Spring Boot 2.06 Java 8 microservices to call Apache Hive 3.1.0 tables in HDP 3.0 on Hadoop 3.1.

We will have our website hosted and make REST Calls to Apache NiFi, our microservices, YARN, and other APIs.

As you can see we can easily incorporate data from HDP 3 — Apache Hive 3.1.0 in Spring Boot Java applications with not much trouble. You can see the Maven build script (all code is in GitHub).

Our motivation is to put all this data somewhere and show it on a dashboard that can use REST APIs for data access and updates. We may choose to use Apache NiFi for all REST APIs or we can do some in Apache NiFi. We are still exploring. We can also decide to change the backend to HBase 2.0, Phoenix, Druid or a combination of these. We will see.

Read on for a series of screenshots and config files showing you how to set this up.