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SQL Operations Studio Is Now Azure Data Studio

David Hiltenbrand notes a name change:

Will SQL Operations Studio upgrade automatically to Azure Data Studio? 

NO! Although they’re effectively the same thing currently, you do need to install Azure Data Studio separately from your existing sqlops install. You can install the new Azure Data Studio after downloading it from here: The docs also include a helpful section, Move User Settings, that will help you migrate any custom settings you don’t want to lose from your sqlops configuration.

Personally, I’m not a big fan of the name change.  But Grant Fritchey clues us in on the reason behind it:

The core concept here is to have a development tool that gives you a common framework for working with data, not just SQL data, but CosmosDB and others. Further, a tool that you can run where you work. Do you have a Mac? Cool. Use Azure Data Studio. Running Linux? Cool. Use Azure Data Studio. Still on Windows with me? We also get Azure Data Studio.

I do get the benefit of a tool which can hit different data sources, including something which is not SQL-based.  But the “Azure” in the name throws me.  I’ll still connect to my on-prem and AWS-based SQL Servers with it though.