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SQL On Linux: Common Active Directory Login Issues

Dylan Gray and Tejas Shah continue their troubleshooting series for SQL Server on Linux integrations with Active Directory:

1. When a user performs an AD connection, internally the user connects to a service principal name (SPN). The SPNs are in the form “MSSQLSvc/”, and they must be registered when setting up AD logins for SQL Server on Linux. When a client app requests a connection (e.g. sqlcmd), it takes the server users wish to connect to, prepends “MSSQLSvc/” and appends “:**<port>**”, and this is the SPN which the connection attempts to authenticate with.

So, if user connects with “sqlcmd -E -S”, it authenticates with the SPN “MSSQLSvc/”, and everything succeeds. If user connects with “sqlcmd -E -S host”, it authenticates with “MSSQLSvc/host:1433”. If the SPN the client is authenticating with does not exist, the connection will fail. So, if the SPNs in the mssql.keytab are only “MSSQLSvc/”, users can only connect to “”, not “host” and not to the IP. If user needs to be able to connect with variations of host name and IP address, then all appropriate SPNs should be created and configured in the mssql.keytab file.

Read on for more common issues and their solutions.