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Installing Confluent Platform On Windows

Niels Berglund shows how to install Confluent Platform (the Confluent branded version of Apache Kafka) on a Windows machine using the Windows Subsystem for Linux:

WSL is primarily aimed at developers, and it allows you to run Linux environments directly on Windows in a native format and without the overhead of a virtual machine. Let us retake a look at that statement: run Linux environments directly on Windows in a native format. Yes native format, WSL is not a UNIX-like environment like Cygwin, which wraps non-Windows functionality in Win32 system calls but it serves Linux programs as special, isolated minimal processes (pico-processes) attached to kernel-mode pico-providers. If you want to read all the “gory” details about WSLWindows Subsystem for Linux Overview gives you an excellent introduction.

Surprisingly, it’s pretty easy—I would have expected some strange compatibility issues.