Hugo Almeida has some hints for backing up Azure Data Lake Store data using Azure Data Factory:
Our Hadoop HDP IaaS cluster on Azure uses Azure Data Lake Store (ADLS) for data repository and accesses it through an applicational user created on Azure Active Directory (AAD). Check this tutorial if you want to connect your own Hadoop to ADLS.
Our ADLS is getting bigger and we’re working on a backup strategy for it. ADLS provides locally-redundant storage (LRS), however, this does not prevent our application from corrupting data or accidentally deleting it. Since Microsoft hasn’t published a new version of ADLS with a clone feature we had to find a way to backup all the data stored in our data lake.
We’re going to show you How to do a full ADLS backup with Azure Data Factory (ADF). ADF does not preserve permissions. However, our Hadoop client can only access the AzureDataLakeStoreFilesystem (adl) through hive with a “hive” user and we can generate these permissions before the backup.
Read the whole thing if you’re thinking of using Azure Data Lake Store.