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Anomaly Detection With Python

Robert Sheldon continues his SQL Server Machine Learning Series:

As important as these concepts are to working Python and MLS, the purpose in covering them was meant only to provide you with a foundation for doing what’s really important in MLS, that is, using Python (or the R language) to analyze data and present the results in a meaningful way. In this article, we start digging into the analytics side of Python by stepping through a script that identifies anomalies in a data set, which can occur as a result of fraud, demographic irregularities, network or system intrusion, or any number of other reasons.

The article uses a single example to demonstrate how to generate training and test data, create a support vector machine (SVM) data model based on the training data, score the test data using the SVM model, and create a scatter plot that shows the scoring results.

Click through to see the scenario that Robert has laid out as an example.