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Category: Wacky Ideas

Fun with Query Timeouts

Forrest McDaniel gets my most coveted category:

I love how there are lots of little things to SQL Server – mostly ignored details that only sometimes matter but make sense when you stare at them. Actually, I’m not sure I love them. I forget about them, and then stub my toe on them. Occasionally though, there’s a quirky combination that leads to bloggable shenanigans.

Let’s start with Detail Number One, which has most definitely tripped me up: queries that are returning rows won’t time out. You might be familiar with connections using a default 30s timeout, but as long the query is returning a row every 29s, the client won’t time it out. You can even test this in SSMS.

Read on to see how Forrest takes advantage of this, uh, capability.

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Building Connect 4 with T-SQL

Tomaz Kastrun figures out a useful way to play a game while looking like you’re doing important work:

Connect 4 is a classical board game, consisting of a board of 6 rows and 7 columns and 42 tokens (of two colours, each player with 21). The first player to get four tokens in a row, column or diagonally, wins!

Simple game rules:
1. only one token can be added at the time
2. each player have their own colour (sign) of tokens
3. the game is ended, when the first player connects four tokens in a row, column or diagonally

Actually, I take that back: Tomaz has figured out a useful way for two people to play a game while looking like they’re doing important work. That’s twice as good.

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The Observer Effect with Extended Events

Jonathan Kehayias measures the measurer:

SQL Server 2022 offers a new feature enhancement to Extended Events that allows it to now track the performance and publishing metrics of the events that have been enabled in an event session that is running on the server. Four new columns were added in the sys.dm_xe_session_events DMV in SQL Server 2022 that provide additional information about the event publishing performance metrics when an event session is running:

This fits more in the “wacky ideas” category than a sensible thing to do, but it can give you a better idea of how expensive certain events are.

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Plotting an ASCII Bar Chart using SQL

Lukas Eder is speaking my language:

No need for expensive Tableau subscriptions. Ditch Microsoft Excel. Just use native PostgreSQL to quickly visualise your data!

Here’s an idea I had for a while. As you may know, jOOQ can produce fancy charts from your jOOQ results. But that requires you use jOOQ, and you may not be using jOOQ, because you’re not coding in Java/Kotlin/Scala (otherwise, you’d be using jOOQ). That’s OK. I thought, why not do it with SQL (PostgreSQL, to be specific) directly, then? 

This one’s getting my most coveted category: Wacky Ideas.

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Printing ggplot2 Plots as Receipts

Bob Rudis has fun with a Point of Sale printer:

At the end of March, I caught a fleeting tweet that showcased an Epson thermal receipt printer generating a new “ticket” whenever a new GitHub issue was filed on a repository. @aschmelyun documents it well in this blog post. It’s a pretty cool hack, self-contained on a Pi Zero.

Andrew’s project birthed an idea: could I write an R package that will let me plot {ggplot2}/{grid} objects to it? The form factor of the receipt printer is tiny (~280 “pixels” wide), but the near infinite length of the paper means one can play with some data visualizations that cannot be done in other formats (and it would be cool to be able to play with other content to print to it in and outside of R).

Read on for a fun story which gets an entry in my most coveted category. H/T R-Bloggers

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Tower of Hanoi in T-SQL

Tomaz Kastrun would like to play a game:

T-SQL Code for the popular game of “Tower of Hanoi”, that can be played in Microsoft SQL Server, Azure Data Studio or any other T-SQL editor with support of query execution.

Given that this is the game you use to teach students recursion, I figured a T-SQL based solution would be interesting. Well, Tomaz has the solution and the workspace to play it yourself.

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Building 2048 in T-SQL

Tomaz Kastrun gives you a way to slack off at work while everybody else thinks you’re working on a really important SQL problem:

What is 2048 game? It is a classical puzzle game, that is easy and fun to play. The objective of the game is to move the numbers (tiles in the matrix/board) in a way to combine them to create a tile with the number 2048.

Click through to see how to use it and check out the scripts on Tomaz’s GitHub repo. This definitely merits the Wacky Ideas category.

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Fun with GO and Preventing SQL Batches from Parsing

Solomon Rutzky has an apropos post for Friday the 13th:

In a previous post, Prevent Full Script Execution (Understanding and Using PARSEONLY and NOEXEC), I explained how to easily disable a script using the PARSEONLY session setting. That same method can be used to disable one or more sections within a script instead of the entire script. But in either case, “disabling” doesn’t mean that the script, or section of code, will be skipped entirely as if it wasn’t there. It will still be parsed by SQL Server as that is not something that can be turned off. This means that you could still see parsing errors related to undeclared variables, syntax errors, etc.

Then one day I tried something silly that I figured wouldn’t work but wanted to try anyway (because quite often you don’t know until you know), and it actually did work (for the most part). I found a way to fully disable an entire T-SQL batch, and there really isn’t any indication that it happened. However, this “technique” is more limited than PARSEONLY as it only works on individual batches, and it only works in some environments.

Read on to see how you can use the GO operator to prevent many SQL Server client tools from even noticing a block of text.

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The End of the NFT Bubble(?)

Stephanie Glen has music to my ears:

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs), tradable digital certificates that verify ownership of digital assets using blockchain technology, have dominated headlines in the last several months. The media mania hit a high with the $69 million sale of Beeple’s Everydays:The First 5000 Days. A few months after Beeple’s historic sale at Christie’s auction house, the crypo-art bubble has officially burst.

These sorts of things are a bit too volatile for me to cheer just yet. The blockchain bubble is something I look at and say, this is incredibly dumb. The whole premise of it makes zero sense: you’re wasting resources (and don’t get me started on Chia, the grim reaper for residential SSDs) for nothing. The end product has extremely little to no subjective value—how much would you pay for blockchain outputs?—but burns up resources in the form of energy, increased prices for computer components, and time that could have been spent doing something more productive, like repeatedly turning your computer off and on again: at least there, you gain valuable skills in figuring out how to power down and power up a machine.

I can kinda-sorta get the idea of using blockchain for certain types of auditing trails, but there are still two big problems with it. First is the 50% problem: whoever controls 50% of the compute controls the past, present, and future of the blockchain and can make whatever arbitrary changes are desired. Beyond that, the other problem is, how much better is this than a digest hash of activities written to a WORM drive? Considering how many orders of magnitude less expensive the latter is to the former, there has to be an enormous benefit for it to make any sense. And there’s really not.

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