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Category: Visualization

Dynamically Showing Or Hiding Columns In SSRS With Parameters

Sander Stad shows how to show or hide columns at runtime in SQL Server Reporting Services reports using parameters:

Regularly I have reports that have an extensive amount of columns.
Because the amount of columns, reports tend to become inefficient and have too much information we don’t always need. The users may want to select certain columns and to make the report easier to read.

Hiding and showing columns in SSRS reports using parameters is a solution to make reports more dynamic and easier to use.

At the time of writing of this article, SQL Server Reporting Services did not yet have the possibility to use checkbox parameters. Instead we will be using a multi-value text parameter to show or hide our columns.

Click through to see how to do this.

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Line Drawing And The Traveling Salesman Problem

Antonio Sanchez Chinchon builds a shortest-path portrait generator:

In this experiment I apply an heuristic algorithm to solve the TSP to draw a portrait. The idea is pretty simple:

  • Load a photo

  • Convert it to black and white

  • Choose a sample of black points

  • Solve the TSP to calculate a route among the points

  • Plot the route

Click through for the code.  This is an interesting application of the traveling salesman problem.

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Contrasting Plotly And Seaborn

Natasha Sharma contrasts the Seaborn and Plotly libraries for visualizing data:

It was important to use a library which can provide easy and high-class interactivity. Before embedding the plots into my website code, I tested a few different libraries like Matplotlib and Seaborn in order to visualize the results and to see how different they can look. After few trials, I came across Plotly library and found it valuable for my project because of its inbuilt functionality which gives user a high class interactivity.

In this post, I am going to compare Seaborn and Plotly using – Bar Chart and Heatmap diagram. I will be using Breast cancer dataset to visualize these plots. But before jumping into the comparison, the dataset I used needed preprocessing like data cleaning so, I followed steps.

In this case, the contrast is mostly lines of code versus visual quality; read on for more.

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Visualizing Geo-Spatial Data In R

Carson Sievert shows off the plotly library:

You might be wondering, “What can plotly offer over other interactive mapping packages such as leafletmapviewmapedit, etc?”. One big feature is the linked brushing framework, which works best when linking plotly together with other plotly graphs (i.e., only a subset of brushing features are supported when linking to other crosstalk-compatible htmlwidgets). Another is the ability to leverage the plotly.js API to make efficient updates in shiny apps via plotlyProxy(). Speaking of efficiency, plotly.js keeps on improving the performance of their WebGL-based rendering, so I recommend trying plot_ly() (with toWebGL()) and/or plot_mapbox() if you have lots of graphical elements to render. Also, by having a consistent interface between these various mapping approaches, it’s much quicker and easier to switch from one approach to another when you need to leverage a different set of strengths and weaknesses.

Plotly’s on my list of things I’ll eventually get to one of these days.  H/T R-Bloggers

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Plotting In R Using ggplot2

The folks at Sharp Sight Labs have another nice demo of ggplot2:

You’ve heard me say it a thousand times: to master data science, you need to practice.

You need to “practice small” by practicing individual techniques and functions. But you also need to “practice big” by working on larger projects.

To get some practice, my recommendation is to find reasonably sized datasets online and plot them.

Wikipedia is a nearly-endless source of good datasets. The great thing about Wikipedia is that many of the datasets are small and well contained. They are also fairly clean, with just enough messiness to make them a bit of a challenge.

As a quick example, this week, we’ll plot some economic data.

The code is deceptively easy considering the scope of the problem.

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ggplot2 Geoms And Aesthetics

Tyler Rinker digs into ggplot2’s geoms and aesthetics:

I thought it my be fun to use the geoms aesthetics to see if we could cluster aesthetically similar geoms closer together. The heatmap below uses cosine similarity and heirarchical clustering to reorder the matrix that will allow for like geoms to be found closer to one another (note that today I learned from “R for Data Science” about the seriation package [] that may make this matrix reordering task much easier).

It’s an interesting analysis of what’s available within ggplot2 and a detailed look at how different geoms fit together with respect to aesthetic options.

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Defending Pie Charts

Bobby Johnson makes a valiant effort at defending the indefensible:

In the world of data analysis, there are few things more reviled than the pie chart. Among “serious” data people, it is at best trivial and naive, and at worst downright evil.

I do not agree with this. The pie chart is simple, but that is its beauty. It does exactly one thing and it does it well: it shows you how much different parts contribute to a whole. This isn’t the only question you ever have about your data, but when it’s the question you do have, the pie chart is perfect. That is not evil and it is not naive. It is data visualization doing what it should: taking something large and abstract and saying something simple about it that your brain can easily internalize.

I strongly disagree with arguments in the article, but do respect the attempt.  In each of the cases, at least one of a bar chart, stacked 100% bar chart, or dot plot could give at least the same amount of information with less lower mental overhead.

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Using Telegraf To Display SQL Server Metrics In Grafana

Tracy Boggiano has a writeup showing how to use Telegraf + InfluxDB + Grafana to view SQL Server metrics:

We have in the middle an open source time series database called InfluxDBis designed for collecting data that is timestamped such as performance metrics. Into that, we feed data from an open source project called Telegraf which can feed in more than just SQL Server statistics. And to be able to show us the data in nice pretty graphs that we can manipulate, drill-down on, and even set up alerts we display it using Grafana. Links to all of these products you find as we go through the setup of the solution.

Tracy’s post is dedicated to installation and configuration more than defining metrics, but it does get you on the road to custom metrics visualization.

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Radar Charts With ggplot2

I have wrapped up my ggplot2 series, with the last post being on radar charts:

First, we need to install ggradar and load our relevant libraries. Then, I create a quick standardization function which divides our variable by the max value of that variable in the vector. It doesn’t handle niceties like divide by 0, but we won’t have any zero values in our data frames.

The radar_data data frame starts out simple: build up some stats by continent. Then I call the mutate_each_ function to call standardize for each variable in the vars set. mutate_each_is deprecated and I should use something different like mutate_at, but this does work in the current version of ggplot2 at least.

Finally, I call the ggradar() function. This function has a large number of parameters, but the only one you absolutely need is I decided to change the sizes because by default, it doesn’t display well at all on Windows.

It was a lot of fun putting this series together. I think the most important part of the series was learning just how easy ggplot2 is once you sit down and think about it in a systemic manner.

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Creating Modal Dialogues In Shiny

Dean Attali announces a new shiny package:

shinyalert uses the sweetalert JavaScript library to create simple and elegant modals in Shiny. Modals can contain text, images, OK/Cancel buttons, an input to get a response from the user, and many more customizable options. A modal can also have a timer to close automatically.

Simply call shinyalert() with the desired arguments, such as a title and text, and a modal will show up. In order to be able to call shinyalert() in a Shiny app, you must first call useShinyalert() anywhere in the app’s UI.

It does look nice.  Check out Dean’s GitHub repo for more information. H/T R-Bloggers

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