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Taking Screenshots With R

Abdul Majed Raja shows us how to take screenshots of webpages using R:

webshot package provides one simple function webshot() that takes a webpage url as its first argument and saves it in the given file name that is its second argument. It is important to note that the filename includes the file extensions like ‘.jpg’, ‘.png’, ‘.pdf’ based on which the output file is rendered. Below is the basic structure of how the function goes:


#webshot(url, filename.extension)
webshot(“”, “listendata.png”)

If no folder path is specified along with the filename, the file is downloaded in the current working directory which can be checked with getwd().

Now that we understood the basics of the webshot() function, It is time for us to begin with our cases – starting with downloading/converting a webpage as a PDFcopy.

This isn’t something I’d expect to do every day, but I could see it being useful as part of a notebook to give the user a sanity check, like if a webpage or data set has a last updated timestamp that you want to check.  H/T R-Bloggers