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Category: T-SQL

Top with Percent

Kevin Wilkie is on the top shelf:

In the last blog post, we went over the extreme basics of using the TOP operator in SQL. We showed how to grab things like the TOP 10 of a certain item.

That ability will get you through a number of criteria that you will be asked to perform. But what if you’re asked to grab the top five percent of performers in your company? Or in a region? It’s kinda hard to do that if you only have what we know so far, right?

Read on for the answer.

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Sharing Short Code Examples

John McCormack lays out the parameters for this T-SQL Tuesday:

T-SQL Tuesday this month is going back to basics and its all about code. I’d like to know “What are your go to handy short scripts”?

What are those little short bits of code that you can’t live without? I’m talking about little snippets that are only a few lines, that you may even have memorised. It could be T-SQL, PowerShell, Python or anything else you use day to day.

Click through for two of John’s.

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Erik Darling has a bone to pick with STRING_AGG():

If you’re like me and you got excited by the induction of STRING_AGG into the T-SQL Lexicon because of all the code odd-balling it would replace, you were likely also promptly disappointed for a few reasons.

Read on for one post which covers all of those reasons. Even with that disappointment, I’m still happy with STRING_AGG() on the whole, myself. There are some extra steps it’d be nice to eliminate in certain circumstances, but 60% of the time, it works every time.

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Using the FIRST_VALUE() Window Function

Dave Mason explains what FIRST_VALUE() does:

Last week, I found myself with a T-SQL problem. A customer has a database where multiple “widget” records might exist in a table. End users might enter the duplicate rows, or they might be inserted by other automated processes. My task was to keep the most recent widget record. But, if there were any NULL values, look in the previous “duplicate” rows and use the most recent missing value for each column.

Click through to see it in action. And following up from Dave’s last point, IGNORE NULLS did originate in Azure SQL Edge, though hopefully we see it in the next version of on-premises SQL Server.

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Unique Constraints vs Unique Indexes

Erik Darling calls out unique key constraints:

I do love appropriately applied uniqueness. It can be helpful not just for keeping bad data out, but also help the optimizer reason about how many rows might qualify when you join or filter on that data.

The thing is, I disagree a little bit with how most people set them up, which is by creating a unique constraint.

Data modeling Kevin wants to use unique key constraints because that’s the correct thing to do. Implementation Kevin uses unique nonclustered indexes for the reasons Erik describes. Not mentioned in Erik’s post but potentially relevant is that operations on unique nonclustered indexes can be done online, whereas unique key constraint operations (creation and alteration via drop+create) are offline.

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Using Query Labels in Azure Synapse Analytics

Gauri Mahajan shows one of the pieces of functionality in Azure Synapse Analytics dedicated SQL pools that I’d like to see on-premises:

Azure Synapse supports a concept known as “query labels” that allows tagging any DDL or DML queries that are executed on the dedicated SQL pool. These labels can be queried using the dynamic management views (DMVs). One can use these labels to describe the purpose of the query or add any metadata to the query being executed and the same can be used later for instrumenting the queries, specifically to identify the queries that meet the desired search criteria. Let’s walk through a step-by-step exercise to understand this concept practically.

Click through for the process.

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Concatenating in SQL Server

Lee Markup takes us through a pair of very useful functions in SQL Server:

SQL Server concatenation methods have been enhanced in modern versions of SQL Server. SQL Server 2012 introduced the CONCAT() function. In SQL Server 2017 we get CONCAT_WS().

A common usage of concatenation, or joining column values together in a string, is combining a FirstName and LastName column into a FullName column.  Another common usage might be for creating an address column that pulls together building number, street, city and zip code.

Read on to learn more. CONCAT() and CONCAT_WS() are also extremely helpful for change detection in ETL processes. For example, you might have a queue table to process and only want to update records in which relevant source fields changed, ignoring the ones which don’t exist in your destination. A combination of HASHBYTES() and CONCAT_WS() will do the trick quite nicely.

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Deleting Duplicate Records

Chad Callihan shows one of the best ways to remove duplicate records from a table:

Have you ever needed to delete duplicate records from a table? If there is only one duplicate in a table then simply running something like DELETE FROM Table WHERE ID = @DupRecord will do the trick. What happens when the problem is found after multiple records are duplicated? Will tracking them all down be more time consuming? Here are a few different options for quickly clearing out duplicate records.

There’s the best way, and then there are the other ways.

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Exchange Spill Wait Stats

Erik Darling looks at exchange spills:

There are quite high waits on PAGEIOLATCH_EX, SLEEP_TASK, and SLEEP_BPOOL_STEAL rounding out the top five. This is quite interesting, because I’ve never explicitly thought of PAGEIOLATCH_EX waits in the context of exchange spills. Normally, I think of them when queries read pages from disk into memory for modification.

Going down the line, SLEEP_TASK is familiar from our time spent with hash spills, but SLEEP_BPOOL_STEAL is so far undocumented anywhere.

Erik also does the math on this query and recommends that you not write a query like this one.

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