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Category: Syntax

Procedure Parameters: Optional and Required

Kenneth Fisher takes us through procedure parameters:

If you are executing a stored procedure with a bunch of parameters it can be a bit of a pain if you have to pass a value in for each of them. Fortunately, it’s pretty easy to make some parameters required and others optional. You simply give them a default value.

Kenneth also points out that functions don’t behave this way, and shows how to handle parameters where you don’t want to accept NULL under any circumstances. This is useful when NULL is just a placeholder for “I don’t really want to use this parameter” but the application doesn’t know how to avoid sending the parameter in the first place.

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Median Calculation with T-SQL

Nisarg Upadhyay shows three ways to calculate the median in T-SQL:

To calculate the median of any dataset, we first need to arrange all values from the dataset in a specific order. After arranging the data, we must determine the middle value of the specified dataset. If the dataset contains an odd number of values, than the middle value of the entire dataset will be considered as a median. Following is the example:

Median (M) = value of ((X + 1)/2) th item. (x is the number of values in the dataset)

Honestly, CLR’s probably the best approach here if you want a fast calculation for a reasonably large number of rows. Using ML Services and R/Python is another alternative, though the launchpad spinup time will probably make it slower than CLR.

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Refreshing Views After DDL Changes

Eduardo Pivaral shows how you can refresh the metadata for a view in SQL Server after one of its underlying tables or functions changes:

So we proceed to execute an alter view over the first view:

ALTER VIEW dbo.[vi_invoices_received_by]
as [Received by],
COUNT(InvoiceID) as [# of Invoices],
FROM Sales.Invoices
GROUP BY ConfirmedReceivedBy, CustomerID;

So we should now be able to see the updated column names on the second view, right? 

but if you execute the view again, you will obtain the same results as before:

Read on to see what’s gone wrong and how you can fix it.

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Order of Execution on SELECT Expressions

Bert Wagner digs into an interesting topic:

Success! But as I was celebrating my dynamic SQL victory, I realized I was making an assumption about SQL Server that I had never thought about before:

The above query only works because SQL Server is executing the variables in the SELECT list sequentially. I’m incrementing @CurrentRow only after processing my @RowQuery variable, and this logic only works correctly if SQL Server executes the variable expressions in the order they appear in the SELECT list. If SQL Server was executing items in the SELECT list in reverse or random order, @CurrentRow could potentially get set BEFORE @RowQuery was evaluated, causing the logic of adding “UNION ALL SELECT” in the right location to fail.

I have a vague recollection that you couldn’t always count on this, though I admit to never having seen a counter-example. I don’t believe expression execution order is defined in the ANSI SQL standard—the idea is that everything is typically resolved “at once.”

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Nested Window Functions in ANSI SQL

Itzik Ben-Gan covers a hypothetical feature in the ANSI standard:

The standard nested window functions seem like a very powerful concept that enables a lot of flexibility in interacting with different points in windowing elements. I’m quite surprised that I cannot find any coverage of the concept other than in the standard itself, and that I don’t see many platforms implementing it. Hopefully this article will increase awareness for this feature. If you feel that it could be useful for you to have it available in T-SQL, make sure to cast your vote!

Check it out and upvote if you’re interested in seeing this functionality in SQL Server.

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Identity Inserts: One Table at a Time

Bert Wagner shows that you can only insert with IDENTITY_INSERT = ON for one table at a time:

Ok, simple enough to fix: we just need to do what the error message says and SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON for both tables:


And… it still didn’t work:

IDENTITY_INSERT is already ON for table 'IdentityTest.dbo.User_DEV'. Cannot perform SET operation for table 'dbo.StupidQuestions_DEV'.

Click through for the ramifications and your alternative.

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Case-Insensitive Searches in Snowflake

Koen Verbeeck shows how you can perform case-insensitive searches in Snowflake DB:

I’m doing a little series on some of the nice features/capabilities in Snowflake (the cloud data warehouse). In each part, I’ll highlight something that I think it’s interesting enough to share. It might be some SQL function that I’d really like to be in SQL Server, it might be something else.

Today I have a small blog post about a neat little function I discovered last week – with thanks to my German colleague, who wants to remain anonymous. The function is called ILIKE and it is syntactic sugar for the combination of UPPER and LIKE.

I’m personally not a fan of case-sensitive collations for data; it’s hard for me to understand the meaningful differences between “dog,” “Dog,” and “DOG.”

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Making Dynamic SQL Safe

Erik Darling explains patiently that if you use sp_executesql wrong, you don’t get the benefits of using it right:

The gripes I hear about fully fixing dynamic SQL are:

– The syntax is hard to remember (setting up and calling parameters)
– It might lead to parameter sniffing issues

I can sympathize with both. Trading one problem for another problem generally isn’t something people get excited about.

But there are good reasons fully to fix it, so read on.

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CAST and CONVERT Make Expressions Nullable

Daniel Hutmacher points out a side effect of using CAST() and CONVERT():

Suppose we want to set up a view in the new solution that mirrors the names and definitions of the old table, so the legacy integration can use that view going forward:

CREATE OR ALTER VIEW new.the_table_like_before
SELECT CAST(id AS varchar(32)) AS id,
CAST([row] AS int) AS [row],
CAST(date_loaded AS datetime) AS dt
FROM new.the_table;

Now, if you check out the resulting datatypes of the view, you’ll notice that all the columns are marked nullable, even though they’re all based on non-nullable columns, so the values in the view could never be null.

Read on for a couple possible solutions.

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