Adam Bellemare looks back:
Big Data was going to change the way everything worked. We were about to solve every financial, medical, scientific, and social problem known to humankind. All it would take was a great big pile of data and some way to process it all.
But somewhere along the line, the big data revolution just sort of petered out, and today you barely hear anything about big data.
Click through for Adam’s explanation, which is a more detailed form of “Some stuff worked out and became ubiquitous in other ways; others fell off the map.”
But I’m going to snag one more quotation here from Adam:
And finally, big data has shown us that no matter how hard we try, there’s simply no escaping from the inevitable convergence to a full SQL API.
Me: Laughs in Feasel’s Law.
Feasel’s Law – Any sufficiently advanced data retrieval process will eventually have a SQL interface.