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Category: R

Modular, Production-Ready R

David Smith highlights Syberia, a development framework for productionalizing R code:

Syberia also encourages you to break up your process into a series of distinct steps, each of which can be run (and tested) independently. It also has a make-like feature, in that results from intermediate steps are cached, and do not need to be re-run each time unless their dependencies have been modified.

Syberia can also be used to associate specific R versions with scripts, or even other R engines like Microsoft R. I was extremely impressed when during a 30-minute-break at the R/Finance conference last month, Robert was able to sketch out a Syberia implementation of a modeling process using the RevoScaleR library. In fact Robert’s talk from the conference, embedded below, provides a nice introduction to Syberia.

Interesting stuff.  If you’re working with models in R today, this could be up your alley.

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New Version Of dplyr

Hadley Wickham reports that dplyr is now at version 0.7.0:

dplyr 0.7.0 is a major release including over 100 improvements and bug fixes, as described in the release notes. In this blog post, I want to discuss one big change and a handful of smaller updates. This version of dplyr also saw a major revamp of database connections. That’s a big topic, so it’ll get its own blog post next week.

Read on to learn about tidy evaluation and the Star Wars data set.  There’s a lot to wrap your head around in this release.

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Using rxInstallPackages

Tomaz Kastrun explains how to use rxInstallPackages to install packages on Microsoft R Server:

In rxInstallPackages function use computeContext parameter to set either to “Local” or to your  “SqlServer” environment, you can also use scope as shared or private (difference is, if you install package as shared it can be used by different users across different databases, respectively for private). You can also specify owner if you are running this command out of db_owner role.

This updated installation method is certainly easier than the prior method, which included incantations and sacrificing a chicken.

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Flattening JSON With Purrr

Steph Locke shows how to use purrr to write functional style code in R:

And… et voila! A multi-language dataset with the language identified and the sentiment scored using purrr for easier to read code.

Using purrr with APIs makes code nicer and more elegant as it really helps interact with hierarchies from JSON objects. I feel much better about this code now!

Purrr is something I really want to dig into for reasons just like this.

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Joining Tables In SparkR

WenSui Liu has a script to join tables together in SparkR:

showDF(merge(sum1, sum2, by.x = "month1", by.y = "month2", all = FALSE))
showDF(join(sum1, sum2, sum1$month1 == sum2$month2, "inner"))
#|     3|    -25|     3|    911|
#|     2|    -33|     2|    853|

There’s no commentary, so it’s all script all the time.  H/T R-bloggers

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Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Test

Mala Mahadevan explains the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test, with two parts up so far.  First, her data set:

Below is the script to create the table and dataset I used. This is just test data and not copied from anywhere.

Second, an introduction to the test itself and solutions in R and T-SQL:

This test is an extension of the Chi Square test I blogged of earlier. This is applied when we have to compare two groups over several levels and comparison may involve a third variable.
Let us consider a cohort study as an example – we have two medications A and B to treat asthma. We test them on a randomly selected batch of 200 people. Half of them receive drug A and half of them receive drug B. Some of them in either half develop asthma and some have it under control. The data set I have used can be found here. The summarized results are as below.

This series is not yet complete, so stay tuned.

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Running DoAzureParallel On The Cheap

David Smith reports an update on the doAzureParallel R package:

At the EARL conference in San Francisco this week, JS Tan from Microsoft gave an update (PDF slides here) on the doAzureParallel package . As we’ve noted here before, this package allows you to easily distribute parallel R computations to an Azure cluster. The package was recently updated to support using automatically-scaling Azure Batch clusters with low-priority nodes, which can be used at a discount of up to 80% compared to the price of regular high-availability VMs.

That lowers the barrier to usage significantly, so it’s a very welcome update.

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Dot-Density Maps In R

Paul Campbell shows how to build a dot density map in R:

To get me started I invested in the expert guidance of data-visualiser-extraordinaire Nathan Yau, aka Flowing Data. Nathan has a whole host of tutorials on how to make really great visualisations in R (including a brand new course focused on mapping) and thankfully one of them deals with how to plot dot density using base R.

Now with a better understanding of the task at hand, I needed to find the required ethnicity data and shapefiles. I recently saw a video of Amelia McNamara’s great talk at the OpenVis Conference titled ‘How spatial polygons shape our world’. The .shp file really is a glorious thing and it seems that the spatial polygon makers are the unsung heros of the datavis world, so a big round of applause for all those guys is in order.

Anyway, I digress. Luckily for me, the good folks over at the London DataStore have a vast array of Shapefiles that go from Borough level all the way down to Super Output Area level. I’m going to use the Output Areas as the boundaries for the dots and the much broader Borough boundaries for ploting area labels and borders.

The ethnic group data itself was sourced from the Nomis website which has a handy 2011 Census table finder tool where you can easily download an Ethnic Group csv file for London output areas. Vamonos.

I’m going to give this a second reading; it’s a great example of how to go from functional to beautiful.  H/T David Smith

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Riddler Nation: Game Theory In Action

Curtis Miller goes over a multi-phase distribution game with no known information:

The winning strategy of the last round, submitted by Vince Vatter, was (0, 1, 2, 16, 21, 3, 2, 1, 32, 22), with an official record1 of 751 wins, 175 losses, and 5 ties. Naturally, the top-performing strategies look similar. This should not be surprising; winning strategies exploit common vulnerabilities among submissions.

I’ve downloaded the submitted strategies for the second round (I already have the first round’s strategies). Lets load them in and start analyzing them.

This is a great blog post, which looks at using evolutionary algorithms to evolve a winning strategy.

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The Multifaceted Nature Of R

John Mount points out that there are many ways to skin a cat in R:

Python has a fairly famous design principle (from “PEP 20 — The Zen of Python”):

There should be one– and preferably only one –obvious way to do it.

Frankly in R (especially once you add many packages) there is usually more than one way. As an example we will talk about the common Rfunctions: str(), head(), and the tibble package‘s glimpse().

This is a small example of a large phenomenon.

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