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Category: Query Tuning

PostgreSQL and Indexing on EXTRACT()

Henrietta Dombrovskaya troubleshoots a performance problem:

It’s Christmas time and relatively quiet in my day job, so let’s make it story time again! One more tale from the trenches: how wrong you can go with one table and one index?

Several weeks ago, a user asked me why one of the queries had an “inconsistent performance.” According to the user, “Sometimes it takes three minutes, sometimes thirty, or just never finishes.” After taking a look at the query, I could tell that the actual problem was not the 30+ minutes, but 3 minutes – when you have a several hundred million row table and your select yields just over a thousand rows, it’s a classical “short query,” so you should be able to get results in milliseconds.

Read on for the problem, as well as how Henrietta was able to coerce the PostgreSQL optimizer into choosing the correct path.

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Fractional Path Performance Issues in Postgres Partitioned Tables

Andrei Lepikhov digs into an interesting finding:

While the user notices the positive aspects of technology, a developer, usually encountering limitations, shortcomings or bugs, watches the product from a completely different perspective. The same stuff happened at this time: after the publication of the comparative testing results, where Join-Order-Benchmark queries were passed on a database with and without partitions, I couldn’t push away the feeling that I had missed something. In my mind, Postgres should build a worse plan with partitions than without them. And this should not be just a bug but a technological limitation. After a second thought, I found a weak spot – queries with limits.

Read on to see what Andrei came up with.

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Number of Rows Read in SQL Server Execution Plans

Rob Farley cashed in all of his chips and got something nice out of it:

I had written to Santa (okay, the product group at Microsoft) to ask for this. It wasn’t quite “If I’m on the nice list, what I’d like is a unicorn train set”, but more like “If it’s not too much trouble, this thing here would be amazing…”

The thing was the ability to see the “number of rows read” by an Index Seek operation in a SQL plan containing the “Actuals” (post-execution).

Read on for information about why this is so useful.

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SQL Server Execution Plan Analysis Features

Hugo Kornelis looks back at some nice additions to SQL Server:

It’s December. The last month of the year, and hence also the last T-SQL Tuesday of the year. Edition 181 is hosted by Kevin Chant. His chosen topic for this episode is to have us talk about which SQL Server announcement excited us the most.

This posed a bit of a problem for me. The only truthful answer here is that I have never been as excited about an announced new feature as when the Query Store was announced. But I also realized that I don’t have much to write about the Query Store, except how awesome it is. Okay, I could go on a full explanation, but many others do that much better, and have already done so. So that doesn’t leave much for me.

And that’s why I’ll also include my second favorite announcement.

Read on for a little bit around Query Store, followed up with coverage of several interesting additions to SQL Server over the years.

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Alternatives to Long IN() Lists in SQL Server

David Fowler still has a list:

This post comes off the back of my last, where I looked at issues caused by explicitly declaring a large number of values in an IN clause. The query processor ran out of internal resources and could not produce a query plan – When You’ve Managed to Confuse SQL With a Crazy IN Clause.

My suggestion was to put the values into a temp table and carry out a semi-join.

That got me thinking, which of the two methods would perform better.

I’m going to look at the two methods for different amounts of values and have a look at how they get on in terms of reads and total time.

Read on for the answer. If I’m surprised by anything in it, it’s that the threshold where temp tables out-perform the IN() clause is so high.

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The Difficulty of Deletion in PostgreSQL

Radim Marek takes us through the process of deleting rows:

Your database is ticking along nicely – until a simple DELETE brings it to its knees. What went wrong? While we tend to focus on optimizing SELECT and INSERT operations, we often overlook the hidden complexities of DELETE. Yet, removing unnecessary data is just as critical. Outdated or irrelevant data can bloat your database, degrade performance, and make maintenance a nightmare. Worse, retaining some types of data without valid justification might even lead to compliance issues.

Read on to learn about the process, some challenges, and a common pattern for resolving these challenges. The solution is pretty similar in SQL Server as well: batching delete operations, ideally with a supporting index.

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Filtered Indexes in PostgreSQL

Hubert Lubaczewski digs into a performance issue:

So, we have some databases on PostgreSQL 14 (yes, I know, we should upgrade, but it is LONG project to upgrade, so it’s not really on the table now).

Last week someone noticed problems with website. These were tracked to queries getting killed because of statement_timeout of 3 minutes.

The query was relatively simple (most of the identifiers were obfuscated, but tried to keep them somewhat memorable):

Click through for the story, analysis of the problem, and how creating a filtered index worked in this case. Filtered indexes are a beautiful thing when the optimizer knows how to make use of them.

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Tips for Writing an Efficient Query

Ben Johnston has a plan:

The ability to write an efficient query starts with a well-designed database. If the database you are working with is poorly designed, your choices are limited. Even in those scenarios, you can still enhance your query design and follow best practices.

The goal of this post is to provide simple guidelines for writing efficient queries. These guidelines aren’t advanced SQL techniques. These are just the basics that anyone can use to write fast, efficient queries. There are many functions and keywords available in TSQL, so many scenarios aren’t covered by these guidelines. But – they are a good place to start for any query.

Click through for the process.

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Thoughts on Combining UPDATE Operations

Brent Ozar thinks about consolidation:

I’ve got a BEGIN TRAN in there before the updates just so I can test the same queries repeatedly, and roll them back each time. The execution plan for the updates is quite nice: SQL Server divebombs into the supporting indexes:

Relatively few rows match, so our query does less than 1,000 logical reads – way less than there are pages in the table. In this case, separate UPDATE statements make sense.

Brent then continues with, but what do we do when we need to perform multiple independent scans of the same table? Read on for Brent’s answer, but definitely check out Thomas Franz’s comments, which indicate a potential complicating factor.

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