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Category: Python

Avoiding Overfitting and Underfitting in Neural Networks

Manas Narkar provides some advice on optimizing neural network models:

Adding Dropout

Dropout is considered as one of the most effective regularization methods. Dropout is basically randomly zero-ing or dropping out features from your layer during the training process, or introducing some noise in the samples. The key thing to note is that this is only applied at training time. At test time, no values are dropped out. Instead, they are scaled. The typical dropout rate is between 0.2 to 0.5.

Click through for a demo on dropout, as well as coverage of several other techniques.

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Genetic Algorithms in Python

Abhinav Choudhary walks us through building a genetic algorithm library in Python:

Here are quick steps for how the genetic algorithm works:

1. Initial Population– Initialize the population randomly based on the data.
2. Fitness function– Find the fitness value of the each of the chromosomes(a chromosome is a set of parameters which define a proposed solution to the problem that the genetic algorithm is trying to solve)
3. Selection– Select the best fitted chromosomes as parents to pass the genes for the next generation and create a new population
4. Cross-over– Create new set of chromosome by combining the parents and add them to new population set
5. Mutation– Perfrom mutation which alters one or more gene values in a chromosome in the new population set generated. Mutation helps in getting more diverse oppourtinity.Obtained population will be used in the next generation

I’m a sucker for genetic algorithms (and even more so its cousin, genetic programming). And there are still good use cases for genetic algorithms, especially in creating scoring functions for neural networks.

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Pandas UDFs and Python Type Hints in Spark 3.0

Hyukjin Kwon announces some updates forthcoming in Apache Spark 3.0:

The Pandas UDFs work with Pandas APIs inside the function and Apache Arrow for exchanging data. It allows vectorized operations that can increase performance up to 100x, compared to row-at-a-time Python UDFs.

The example below shows a Pandas UDF to simply add one to each value, in which it is defined with the function called pandas_plus_one decorated by pandas_udf with the Pandas UDF type specified as PandasUDFType.SCALAR.

Click through for explanations and demos for each.

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Distributed Model Training with Cloudera ML

Zuling Kang and Anand Patil show us how to train models across several nodes using Cloudera Machine Learning:

Deep learning models are generally trained using the stochastic gradient descendent (SGD) algorithm. For each iteration of SGD, we will sample a mini-batch from the training set, feed it into the training model, calculate the gradient of the loss function of the observed values and the real values, and update the model parameters (or weights). As it is well known that the SGD iterations have to be executed sequentially, it is not possible to speed up the training process by parallelizing iterations. However, as processing one single iteration for a number of commonly used models like CIFAR10 or IMAGENET takes a long time, even using the most sophisticated GPU, we can still try to parallelize the feedforward computation as well as the gradient calculation within each iteration to speed up the model training process.

In practice, we will split the mini-batch of the training data into several parts, like 4, 8, 16, etc. (in this article, we will use the term sub-batch to refer to these split parts), and each training worker takes one sub-batch. Then the training workers do feedforward, gradient computation, and model updating using the sub-batches, respectively, just as in the monolithic training mode. After these steps, a process called model average is invoked, averaging the model parameters of all the workers participating in the training, so as to make the model parameters exactly the same when a new training iteration begins. Then the new round of the training iteration starts again from the data sampling and splitting step.

Read on for the high-level explanation, followed by some Python code working in TensorFlow.

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Counting Table Tennis Ball Bounces

Evgeni Chasnovski has some fun counting:

On May 7th 2020 Dan made a successful attempt to beat a world record for the longest duration to control a table tennis ball with a bat. He surpassed current record duration of 5h2m37s by 18 minutes and 27 seconds for a total of 5h21m4s. He also live streamed the event on his “TableTennisDaily” YouTube channel, which later was uploaded (important note for the future: this video is a result of live stream and not a “shot and uploaded” one). During cheering for Dan in real time I got curious about actual number of bounces he made.

And thus the quest begins.

As counting manually is error-prone and extremely boring, I decided to do this programmatically. The idea of solution is straightforward: somehow extract audio from the world record video, detect bounces (as they have distinctive sound) and count them.

Click through for the process as well as a link to a Git repo with the Python code.

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Avoiding Loops in Python with NumPy

Swantika Gupta walks us through vectorization and broadcasting with NumPy:

Vectorization is a powerful ability within NumPy which is used to speed up the code execution without using loop. It expresses operations as occurring on entire arrays rather than their individual elements.

Looping over an array or any data structure in Python has a lot of overhead involved. In NumPy, Vectorized Operations delegates the looping internally to highly optimized C and Fortran functions, making for cleaner and faster Python code. So, vectorization refers to the concept of replacing explicit for-loops with array expressions, which can then be computed internally with a low-level language, like C.

Read on for a few examples of this and broadcasting.

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Time Series Forecasting Best Practices

David Smith talks about a new GitHub repo:

The repository includes detailed examples of various time series modeling techniques, as Jupyter Notebooks for Python, and R Markdown documents for R. It also includes Python notebooks to fit time series models in the Azure Machine Learning service, and then operationalize the forecasts as a web service.

The R examples demonstrate several techniques for forecasting time series, specifically data on refrigerated orange juice sales from 83 stores (sourced from the the bayesm package). The forecasting techniques vary (mean forecasting with interpolation, ARIMA, exponential smoothing, and additive models), but all make extensive use of the tidyverts suite of packages, which provides “tidy time series forecasting for R“. The forecasting methods themselves are explained in detail in the book (readable online) Forecasting: Principles and Practice by Rob J Hyndman and George Athanasopoulos (Monash University).

This looks really cool.

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Distributed XGBoost in Cloudera

Harshal Patil walk us through the XGBoost algorithm and shows how we can use it in Cloudera Machine Learning:

DASK is an open-source parallel computing framework – written natively in Python – that integrates well with popular Python packages such as Numpy, Pandas, and Scikit-Learn. Dask was initially released around 2014 and has since built significant following and support. 

DASK uses Python natively, distinguishing it from Spark, which is written in Java, and has the overhead of running JVMs and context switching between Python and Java. It is also much harder to debug Spark errors vs. looking at a Python stack trace that comes from DASK.

We will run Xgboost on DASK to train in parallel on CML. The source code for this blog can be found here.

Click through for the process.

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Tips for Moving from Pandas to Koalas

Haejoon Lee, et al, walk us through migrating existing code written for Pandas to use the Koalas library:

In particular, two types of users benefit the most from Koalas:

– pandas users who want to scale out using PySpark and potentially migrate codebase to PySpark. Koalas is scalable and makes learning PySpark much easier
– Spark users who want to leverage Koalas to become more productive. Koalas offers pandas-like functions so that users don’t have to build these functions themselves in PySpark

This blog post will not only demonstrate how easy it is to convert code written in pandas to Koalas, but also discuss the best practices of using Koalas; when you use Koalas as a drop-in replacement of pandas, how you can use PySpark to work around when the pandas APIs are not available in Koalas, and when you apply Koalas-specific APIs to improve productivity, etc. The example notebook in this blog can be found here.

Read on to learn more.

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