Andy Levy shows us how to use default parameters in Powershell:
By the 4th
, I found myself thinking “this repetitive typing kind of sucks.” Then I remembered Chrissy LeMaire’s segment in the first PSPowerHour where she talked about default values, and her accompanying dbatools blog post. Most of the blog posts and demos of this feature focus on using it from the command line, so I had overlooked the fact that I could use it from within a script as well, and even change the values when looping.
As it turns out – it works inside scripts and functions as well, and can make them a lot easier to read. And you’re not limited to the default parameters every time you call a given function; you can override the defaults by specifying the parameters when you call it.
Andy gives us an example with default values for a SQL Server instance and database, but also shows us how to override that.
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