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Category: Powershell

Powershell Remoting in dbatools

Claudio Silva takes us through a change to several cmdlets in dbatools:

I wondered why and asked the Windows team if they could provide any insight. A colleague explained to me that I needed to change three things to make my remoting commands work on our network:

1. Use the FQDN on -ComputerName and/or -SqlInstance parameters
2. Use -UseSSL parameter on the New-PSSession command
3. Use -IncludePortInSPN parameter for the New-PsSessionOption command

Read the whole thing.

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Configuring dbatools

Claudio Silva shares some tips on configuring dbatools:

Set a new configuration value
To update a value you need to use the Set-DbatoolsConfig command. Unfortunately, you will not find documentation for this command on our docs page. This is a known issue and it happens because that command is a cmdlet so the help is in the dbatools library itself.

For this particular case, you can and should rely on the Get-Help command.

Get-Help -Name Set-DbatoolsConfig -Full

Claudio has a half-dozen or so settings and there are more available to you.

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Disabling All Triggers on a Database

Jess Pomfret is on a mission:

Sometimes it’s best not to ask why. However, if for some reason you have a number of triggers on tables within a database that you would like to temporarily disable, read on.

I came across a situation recently while automating a process to refresh test environments where this exact scenario came up.  As part of the process several scripts were run to obfuscate production data. While these ran all the UPDATE triggers were firing. Not only were the triggers adding a significant amount of time to the process, they were also updating dates and other values that we’d prefer kept their original values.

Jess has a tiny bit of Powershell code which does this work for you.

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Rounding to Intervals in Various Languages

Dave Mason doesn’t like rounding to intervals very much in T-SQL:

If I had to choose any of these options for production, I’d probably go with Query 1, just because I think it would make the most sense to any other developer that might encounter it (including future me, who probably wouldn’t remember writing the code). But I’m not really thrilled with any of the options. The one thing T-SQL has going for it though, is the relative ease for truncating the TIME off of a DATETIME by casting to DATE and back to DATETIME. I couldn’t find anything like this in DAX.

Dave also shows how to do this in DAX and Powershell.

Another alternative that Dave doesn’t mention is to invert the problem: if you have a fixed set of intervals you care about (e.g., 15-minute, 30-minute, hour, 4-hour, etc.), you can create a time table. This is like a date table but contains times of the day where you’ve precalculated the intervals. Then you join to the time table and have your results right there. If you do go this route, I’d try to keep the grain of the time table as shallow as possible, maybe using DATETIME2(0) instead of DATETIME2(7).

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Powershell Dot-Sourcing

Shane O’Neill takes us through some of the intricacies of dot-sourcing in Powershell:

The dot used to represent the location is, as I’ve said before, for the current location. Our ConvertTo-Message02 script changed it’s location as part of the script.

When we used the “dot source dot location” method, we weren’t using where our function is as a frame of reference to import the other functions. We were using what directory we are currently in.

Interesting reading.

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Finding Parameter Aliases in Powershell

Mike Robbins has a quick script to find aliases for parameters in Powershell cmdlets:

While sitting through Jeff Hicks‘ Advanced PowerShell Scripting Workshop at PowerShell on the River in Chattanooga today, he mentioned there being a “Cn” alias for the ComputerName parameter of commands in PowerShell.

I’ve previously written a one-liner to find parameter aliases and at one time Microsoft had starting adding parameter aliases to the help for commands as referenced in that same blog article, but it appears that they’ve discontinued adding them to the help and removed the ones they previously added to it.

To be honest, I don’t like aliases that much. Between tab completion and nearest match (where I can type “C” and get “ComputerName” because it’s the only parameter which starts with a C), that satisfies one-off scripts. And for reusable scripts, I’d want to use full names so that the next person doesn’t hunt me down because all of my parameters look like “C” or “Dep”.

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Running Powershell Against your Azure SQL DBs

Joey D’Antoni has a script which finds all of your Azure SQL Database instances and runs a Powershell script against each one in turn:

This code is pretty simple and looks for an Azure SQL Server in each resource group, and then looks for the databases that aren’t master on each server. In this example I’m setting the storage account for Azure Threat Detection, but you could do anything you wanted in that last loop.

Click through for the script. Things like parallelism and error handling are exercises for the reader.

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Using Show-Command with dbatools

Garry Bargsley shows how you can “build” a GUI for any Powershell cmdlet, using one from dbatools as an example:

The Show-Command cmdlet will display in a graphical interface all the parameter options related to a function, cmdlet or workflow.

I always recommend the book “Learn Windows PowerShell in a Month of Lunches” for people that ask me how to get started with PowerShell.  It is a very thorough book and I believe helps build the foundation you need to user PowerShell to the fullest.  Earlier this month I spent time going through the book for maybe the third time.  I must have blown right by the Show-Command cmdlet which shows up in Chapter 4, as I do not ever remembering seeing it before.  Then a couple of weeks ago Kenneth Fisher ( b | t ) post a blog about this command.  I like how Kenneth related the Show-Command in PowerShell to generating scripts with SSMS.  This is a great comparison for the DBA to understand.  After reading his blog post I thought, wow, this might be a handy tool to combine with my favorite module out there dbatools.

Click through for a demonstration.

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Getting Powershell 7 Preview on Ubuntu

Max Trinidad shows us how to get the Powershell 7 preview without using apt:

First, look under the release documentation and search for the deb package. In my case I’m install the amd64 version.

Then, right-click on the “powershell-preview_7.0.0-preview.2-1.ubuntu.18.04_amd64.deb”, and select “Copy link address“.

This is also something you could script out. It’s quite useful in scenarios where your apt repositories don’t have the latest version of something but you still need or want it.

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