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Category: Polybase

PolyBase and Pushdown Limitations

I have a post covering something I learned about predicate pushdown against Hadoop in PolyBase:

Before I start, let’s talk about predicate pushdown for a moment. The gist of it is that when you have data in two sources, you have two options for combining the data:

1. Bring the data in its entirety from your remote source to your local target and work as though everything were in the local target to begin with. I’ll call this the streaming approach.

2. Send as much of your query’s filters, projections, and pre-conditions to the remote source, have the remote source perform some of the work, and then have the remote source send its post-operative data to the local target. Then, the local target once more treats this as though it were simply local data. This is the pushdown approach because you push down those predicates (that is, filters, projections, and pre-conditions).

Click through for the unfortunate finding and also vote up my UserVoice feature request if you want to see string columns as filters.

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Querying CosmosDB with PolyBase

Hasan Savran shows how you can query CosmosDB with T-SQL statements:

SQL Server Polybase Services lets us to pull data from other data resources by using T-SQL queries. SQL Server 2019 introduces new connectors for Polybase services like Oracle, Teradata and MongoDB. In one of the SQL Server 2019 presentations from Bob Ward, I saw the CosmosDB logo when he was talking about the new connectors of SQL Server 2019. CosmosDB already has an ODBC driver and you can use it as a datasource for your Power BI, SSIS or SSMS. SQL Server 2019 makes this connection easier by using the Polybase services.
      In this post, I am going to show you how to configure SQL Server 2019 Polybase to connect Azure CosmosDB Mongo databases

I have a bit of a vested interest in this, so it is heartening to see people trying out PolyBase. It’s more heartening when they use it after they try it out.

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Tips For Using PolyBase With Cloudera QuickStart VM

I have a post on using Cloudera’s QuickStart VM with PolyBase:

Here’s something which tripped me up a little bit while connecting to Cloudera using SQL Server. The data node name, instead of being quickstart.cloudera like the host name, is actually localhost. You can change this in /etc/cloudera-scm-agent/config.ini.

Because PolyBase needs to have direct access to the data nodes, having a node called localhost is a bit of a drag.

I’m used to the Hortonworks Data Platform, so this is a quick compendium of things I noticed to were different.

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Data Transformation Tools In The Azure Space

James Serra gives us an overview of the major tools you would use for ETL and ELT in Azure:

If you are building a big data solution in the cloud, you will likely be landing most of the source data into a data lake.  And much of this data will need to be transformed (i.e. cleaned and joined together – the “T” in ETL).  Since the data lake is just storage (i.e. Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 or Azure Blob Storage), you need to pick a product that will be the compute and will do the transformation of the data.  There is good news and bad news when it comes to which product to use.  The good news is there are a lot of products to choose from.  The bad news is there are a lot of products to choose from :-).  I’ll try to help your decision-making by talking briefly about most of the Azure choices and the best use cases for each when it comes to transforming data (although some of these products also do the Extract and Load part

The only surprise is the non-mention of Azure Data Lake Analytics, and there is a good conversation in the comments section explaining why.

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Keeping Polybase Tables In Sync With Biml

Ben Weissman combines two of my favorite things:

If you have started playing with polybase, you probably figured out by now, that – as awesome as it is – it’s still a bit of a pain to set it up and maintain external tables. There is a wizard in Azure Data Studio but it’s still under development, especially from a usability standpoint.
So what can be done about that? Well, we effectively looking for an easy way to read metadata from a relational database and automate T-SQL to mirror that metadata. HELLO?! Perfect usecase for Biml – which is NOT just for SSIS.
Let’s take a look at how that can be done…

If only Ben could have used F# instead of VB and VB with curly braces…

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Technologies Surrounding Big Data Clusters In SQL Server 2019

Buck Woody has some long-term homework for people:

Some of these technologies and concepts are not owned or created by Microsoft – the concepts are universal, and a few of the technologies are open-source. I’ve marked those in italics.

I’ve also included a few links to a training resource I’ve found to be useful. I normally use LinkedIn Learning for larger courses, along with EdX, DataCamp, and many other platforms for in-depth training. The links I have indicated here are by no means exhaustive, but they are free, and provide a good starting point.

Click through for a list of some of the technologies in play.

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Polybase And Azure Data Studio

Rajendra Gupta continues his series on Polybase in SQL Server 2019 with a look at Polybase integration in Azure Data Studio:

We have learned earlier that PolyBase in SQL Server 2019 Preview allows access to various data sources such as SQL Server, Oracle, MongoDB, Teradata, and ODBC based sources etc. Azure Data Studio SQL Server 2019 preview extension currently supports for SQL Server and Oracle data sources only from the External table wizard.

In this series, we will create an external table for SQL Server and explore some more features around it.

Launch Azure Data Studio and connect to the SQL Server 2019 preview instance. Right click on the database and launch ‘Create External Table’.

Rajendra also looks at some of the Polybase DMVs and the notion of predicate pushdown, which is critical to understand for writing Polybase queries which perform well.

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Using Polybase External Tables To Connect To Oracle

Rajendra Gupta continues his Polybase series:

In part 2 of the series, we saw that the external table could be accessed similarly to a relational database table. One more advantage is that we can join them with any relational tables.

Let us see how we can join the external table with the relational DB tables. I have saved the data into a CSV file so we will import the table using my earlier article, SQL Server Data Import using SQL Operations Studio. Therefore, you can follow the article in the same way in the Azure Data Studio also. I will just give high-level steps to import data from flat file into Azure Data Studio in this article.

Click through for more.

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Enhancements To Polybase In SQL Server 2019

Rajendra Gupta has a multi-part series on Polybase enhancements with SQL Server 2019.  Part one covers installation of SQL Server 2019 and Azure Data Studio:

You need to install Oracle JRE 7 update 51 or higher to install Polybase. If it is not installed, you will get below error message while checking the rules for installation.

To fix this error, go to ‘Java SE Runtime Environment 8 Downloads‘ and download Java SE Runtime Environment 8u191E. Double click on the setup file to install it.

Part two shows us how to install Oracle Express Edition and query it via SQL Server:

As discussed, so far below are the requirements to access Oracle database using PolyBase with Azure Data Studio

  • SQL Server 2019 preview 4

  • Azure Data Studio with SQL Server 2019 extension

  • Oracle Data Source

  • Polybase services should be running with SQL Server database services

Part three is forthcoming, as Rajendra mentions at the end of part 2.

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Big Data Clusters In SQL Server 2019

James Serra lays out some of the architecture behind SQL Server 2019 Big Data Clusters:

While extract, transform, load (ETL) has its use cases, an alternative to ETL is data virtualization, which integrates data from disparate sources, locations, and formats, without replicating or moving the data, to create a single “virtual” data layer.  The virtual data layer allows users to query data from many sources through a single, unified interface.  Access to sensitive data sets can be controlled from a single location. The delays inherent to ETL need not apply; data can always be up to date.  Storage costs and data governance complexity are minimized.  See the pro’s and con’s of data virtualization via Data Virtualization vs Data Warehouse and  Data Virtualization vs. Data Movement.

SQL Server 2019 big data clusters with enhancements to PolyBase act as a virtual data layer to integrate structured and unstructured data from across the entire data estate (SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Azure Cosmos DB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Oracle, Teradata, HDFS, Blob Storage, Azure Data Lake Store) using familiar programming frameworks and data analysis tools:

James covers some of the reasoning behind this and the shift from using Polybase to integrate data with Hadoop + Azure Blob Storage to using SQL Server as a data virtualization engine.

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