Julia Evans points out a really interesting service:
Binder lets you easily host interactive Jupyter notebooks and let anyone on the internet use them interactively immediately! It uses JupyterHub under the hood.
If you want to try it out, you can do that right now:
- Go to https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/jvns/pandas-cookbook/master (which will launch the github.com/jvns/pandas-cookbook repository)
- Wait for it to build and click ‘launch’
- click ‘cookbook’, click a notebook, and play around! There’s an “A quick tour of the IPython Notebook” notebook which shows off some of the basic features.
It apparently uses Kubernetes + Docker under the hood which is interesting! It must be much much more expensive to run than the read-only services, but it’s such a useful and cool thing! I hope it continues to exist.
Definitely worth checking out. I’m going to have to see the steps for getting an R runtime so I can post some of my own notebook repos.
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