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Category: Indexing

Filtered Indexes in PostgreSQL

Hubert Lubaczewski digs into a performance issue:

So, we have some databases on PostgreSQL 14 (yes, I know, we should upgrade, but it is LONG project to upgrade, so it’s not really on the table now).

Last week someone noticed problems with website. These were tracked to queries getting killed because of statement_timeout of 3 minutes.

The query was relatively simple (most of the identifiers were obfuscated, but tried to keep them somewhat memorable):

Click through for the story, analysis of the problem, and how creating a filtered index worked in this case. Filtered indexes are a beautiful thing when the optimizer knows how to make use of them.

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The Power of Computed Columns

Andy Brownsword speeds up a query:

Bad code smells can run through a system, and one instance can quickly spread when code is recycled. Simon recently looked at a non-sargable example and was able to fix it by using an index and refactoring the query.

I wanted to consider an alternative approach if we saw the same issue repeated consistently. We don’t want to fix each instance, we want a single fix. We’ll solve this with indexed computed column.

We can index computed columns to help resolve deterministic (i.e. won’t change, no GETDATE() allowed) clauses. Let’s get started.

Read on to learn more. This is a powerful approach to the problem of needing to perform some sort of data transformation before filtering your data.

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Finding Missing Indexes in SQL Server

Jared Westover goes searching for where those missing indexes got off to:

In the past, while using the missing index Dynamic Management Views (DMVs), something always seemed to be missing from the results. It was hard to put my finger on it then, but looking back, it now seems obvious. Why can’t we see the queries prompting SQL Server to give suggestions? Did you know Microsoft added a DMV with the query text? Since discovering this gem, we no longer need to search through Plan Cache or Query Store.

Click through for the article, but do especially read the list of limitations Jared links to in the summary section before going off and creating a bunch of indexes.

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Indexing Vector Databases

Brendan Tierney continues a series on vector databases:

In this post on Vector Databases, I’ll explore some of the commonly used indexing techniques available in Databases. I’ll also explore the Vector Indexes available in Oracle 23c. Be sure to check that section towards the end of the post, where I’ll also include links to other articles in this series.

As with most data in a Databases, indexes are used for fast access to data. They create an organised structure (typically B+ tree) for storing the location of certain values within a table. When searching for data, if an index exists on that data, the index will be used for matching and the location of the records is used to quickly retrieve the data.

Read on to get an idea of what kinds of indexing techniques are useful in that space.

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Index Rebuilds versus Reorganizations

Sergey Gigoyan opens a can of worms:

When data is modified in a Microsoft SQL database, the corresponding indexes are also modified. These modifications cause indexes to become fragmented. Fragmentation means that the logical order of the data inside the index pages does not match its physical order. The more the fragmentation level is increased, the more performance is affected for SELECT statements. With fragmented indexes, the information is not spread logically, making the index’s data retrieving operations more time-consuming resulting in query performance issues. Thus, fragmentation of the indexes should be fixed periodically in order to maintain high performance. Rebuild and Reorganize index operations are aimed at defragmenting indexes.

Click through to learn a bit about why we may need index maintenance, followed by a comparison between index rebuilding versus index reorganization. All that said, I do not have room in my indexing philosophy (or my heart) for reorganization. Reorganization simply doesn’t provide enough value as it is. If you want a really detailed dive into the topic, Jeff Moden put together an amazing talk that we were lucky enough to be able to record. Specifically, about an hour and a quarter in (link to timestamp), Jeff gets to the topic of reorganization and how little it actually does in practice.

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Computed Columns and Wide Index Updates

Paul White takes us through a performance scenario:

Update execution plans are not something the T-SQL statement writer has much control over. You can affect the data reading side of the plan with query rewrites and hints, but there’s not nearly as much tooling available to affect the writing side of the plan.

Update processing can be extremely complex and reading data-changing execution plans correctly can also be difficult. Many important details are hidden away in obscure and poorly documented properties, or simply not present at all.

In this X article, I want to you show a particularly bad update plan example. It has value in and of itself, but it will also give me a chance to describe some less well-known SQL Server details and behaviours.

Read on for the full story.

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Composite Indexes in MySQL

Lukas Vileikis needs more than one column:

Indexes in MySQL are one of the primary ways to enhance query performance and they are especially useful when the primary use case of our project refers to reading data stored in a database. We‘ve already told you about the nuanced world of indexes in MySQL – and there we‘ve mentioned that MySQL has multiple types of SQL indexes available for you to choose from.

The primary index type available within MySQL is the B-Tree index which we‘ve already covered in one of our previous articles. If you know your way around MySQL though, you will certainly be aware of other nuances of indexes, too – and one of those nuances has to do with the fact that B-Tree indexes can also consist of multiple columns (commonly referred to as composite indexes). In this example, we’re using MariaDB as our DBMS of choice. Percona Server for MySQL and MySQL Server will act identically.

Find the queries recreating the table structure and composite indexes in the appendix, and let’s get started.

Read on to see how composite indexes work in MySQL. On the whole, it’s quite similar to how they work in SQL Server, though it’s interesting to catch the differences at the edges.

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Compressing Indexes and Shrinking Azure SQL MI Databases

Kendra Little has a good reason for an often-bad act:

Shrinking databases in SQL Server isn’t fun – it’s slow, it causes blocking if you forget to use the WAIT_AT_LOW_PRIORITY option, and sometimes it persistently fails and refuses to budge until you restart the instance. You only want to shrink a SQL Server database when you’ve got a good reason and a lot of patience.

If you’re using Azure SQL Managed Instance and you haven’t already used data compression on your indexes and shrunk your databases, you probably have two good reasons to do both of those things: performance and cost reduction.

Compressing indexes is very often (almost always?) a good thing. Shrinking databases is very often (again, almost always?) a bad thing. This is like a buddy cop movie for your database.

Kendra gives some good advice but also lays out a warning if you’re on General Purpose V1, so read the whole thing.

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Uniquifiers Doing Heavy Lifting

Michael J. Swart is one of a kind:

If you define a clustered index that’s not unique, SQL Server will add a hidden 4-byte column called UNIQUIFIER. You can’t see it directly but it’s there. When you add a row whose key is a duplicate of an existing row, the new row gets a new unique value for it’s uniqueifier. If you add over 2.1 billion rows with the same key, the uniquifier value exceeds the limit and you will see error 666.

A while ago, we nearly got into trouble because of a bad choice for clustering key that went undetected for so long.

Click through for a query to see how many clustered indexes need uniquifiers and which have the most duplication of key fields.

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