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Category: Hadoop

New JDBC Driver

Microsoft has released a new version of their SQL Server JDBC driver:

Table-Valued Parameters (TVPs)

TVP support allows a client application to send parameterized data to the server more efficiently by sending multiple rows to the server with a single call. You can use the JDBC Driver 6.0 to encapsulate rows of data in a client application and send the data to the server in a single parameterized command.

There are a couple of interesting features in this driver which could help your Hadoop cluster play nice with SQL Server.

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Scaling Kafka Streams

Michael Noll discusses elastic scaling of Kafka Streams:

Third, how many instances can or should you run for your application?  Is there an upper limit for the number of instances and, similarly, for the parallelism of your application?  In a nutshell, the parallelism of a Kafka Streams application — similar to the parallelism of Kafka — is primarily determined by the number of partitions of the input topic(s) from which your application is reading. For example, if your application reads from a single topic that has 10 partitions, then you can run up to 10 instances of your applications (note that you can run further instances but these will be idle).  In summary, the number of topic partitions is the upper limit for the parallelism of your Kafka Streams application and thus for the number of running instances of your application.  Note: A scaling/parallelism caveat here is that the balance of the processing work between application instances depends on how well data messages are balanced between partitions.

Check it out.  Kafka Streams is a potential alternative to Spark Streaming and Storm for real-time (for some definition of “real-time”) distributed computing.

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Going From Pig To Spark

Philippe de Cuzey introduces Spark to people already familiar with Pig:

I like to think of Pig as a high-level Map/Reduce commands pipeline. As a former SQL programmer, I find it quite intuitive, and at my organization our Hadoop jobs are still mostly developed in Pig.

Pig has a lot of qualities: it is stable, scales very well, and integrates natively with the Hive metastore HCatalog. By describing each step atomically, it minimizes conceptual bugs that you often find in complicated SQL code.

But sometimes, Pig has some limitations that makes it a poor programming paradigm to fit your needs.

Philippe includes a couple of examples in Pig, PySpark, and SparkSQL.  Even if you aren’t familiar with Pig, this is a good article to help familiarize yourself with Spark.

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Hadoop For .NET Developers

Elton Stoneman is working on a new Pluralsight course:

Actually I’m talking about .NET Core. That Docker image is built on Debian Jessie, and it installs Hadoop and .NET Core. You can run compiled .NET Core assemblies just by running dotnet /path/to/my/assembly.dll. The same image can run as Hadoop master and worker nodes, so all workers have .NET Core installed and can run .NET Core apps.

Which means you can run .NET Core apps as mappers or reducers in Hadoop jobs, thanks to theHadoop Streaming interface. Hadoop Streaming lets you shell out to any program the host can execute, to run the tasks for your job. Your code integrates with Hadoop at a basic level – through the standard input and output streams.

Elton has some good courses on other Hadoop-and-.NET topics (like his HDInsight deep dive course).  It looks like running containerized Hadoop + .NET Core is getting closer, but still has room for improvement.

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The Benefits Of Polybase

I take a look at running a Hadoop query against a big(gish) data set:

Nearly 12 minutes doesn’t sound fantastic, but let’s remember that this is running on a single-node sandbox hosted on my laptop.  That’s hardly a fair setup for a distributed processing system.  Also, I have done nothing to optimize the files; I’m using compressed, comma-separated text files, have not partitioned the data in any meaningful way, and have taken the easy way out whenever possible.  This means that an optimized file structure running on a real cluster with powerful servers behind it could return the data set a lot faster…but for our purposes, that’s not very important.  I’m using the same hardware in all three cases, so in that sense this is a fair comp.

Despite my hemming and hawing, Polybase still performed as well as Hive and kicked sand in the linked server’s face.  I have several ideas for how to tune and want to continue down this track, showing various ways to optimize Polybase and Hive queries.

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Forcing Predicate Pushdown

I have a blog post on some troubles I’ve had with the FORCE EXTERNALPUSHDOWN hint:

As soon as I kick this off, I get an error:

Msg 7320, Level 16, State 110, Line 1
Cannot execute the query “Remote Query” against OLE DB provider “SQLNCLI11” for linked server “(null)”. Query processor could not produce a query plan because of the hints defined in this query. Resubmit the query without specifying any hints.

Well, that’s not good…  Checking sys.dm_exec_compute_node_errors gives me four error rows with stack trace results, none of which seems very useful to me (as opposed to a Microsoft support tech).

I don’t have any good answers in this blog post, so I’m hoping to learn more and report back later.

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HDInsight Tool For Eclipse

Xiaoyong Zhu reports that the HDInight tool for Eclipse is now generally available:

The HDInsight Tool for Eclipse extends Eclipse to allow you to create and develop HDInsight Spark applications and easily submit Spark jobs to Microsoft Azure HDInsight Spark clusters using the Eclipse development environment.  It integrates seamlessly with Azure, enabling you to easily navigate HDInsight Spark clusters and to view associated Azure storage accounts. To further boost productivity, the HDInsight tool for Eclipse also offers the capability to view Spark job history and display detailed job logs.

Check out the link for videos and additional resources.

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Reading From The Data Lake

Bill Vorhies discusses technologies to analyze and use data in a data lake:

So the takeaway that many DB developers would have you believe is ‘Hadoop Good’, ‘RDBMS Bad’.

But wait.  RDBMS EDW hasn’t gone away and won’t. That’s where we keep our single version of the truth, the business data that record legal transactions with customers, suppliers, and employees.  We also get strong SLAs, strong fault tolerance, and highly curated data based on strong ETL, provenance, and governance.  Those are all things that are missing in our Data Lake.

Anybody who sells you on one technology to solve all problems is shilling snake oil.  Bill’s answer is an Adjunct Data Warehouse, which sits separate from the Enterprise Data Warehouse.  You go to the EDW when you risk getting fired or going to jail if the data’s wrong; you go to the ADW when you need data not in your EDW, or when you need larger-scale analytics in which it’s okay to be 1% off.

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Inserting Into External Tables

Paul Hernandez shows how to insert data into an external table using Polybase:

One of the most interesting use cases of Polybase is the ability to store historical data from relational databases into a Hadoop File System. The storage costs could be reduced while keeping the data accessible and still can be joined with the regular relational tables. So let`s do the first steps for our new archiving solution.

Archival is a very good use case for external table insertion, and if you don’t have a Hadoop cluster, you could insert into Azure blob storage.

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Aggregating And Joining Using Kafka Streams

Michael Noll digs into Kafka Streams, showing how to enrich data and collect aggregates:

The stream of user click events is considered to be a record stream, where each data record represents a self-contained datum.  In contrast, the stream of user geo-location updates is interpreted as a changelog stream, where each data record represents an update (i.e. any previous data records having the same record key will be replaced by the latest update).  In Kafka Streams, a record stream is represented via the so-called KStream interface and a changelog stream via the KTable interface.  Going from the high-level view to the technical view, this means that our streaming application will demonstrate how to perform a join operation between a KStream and a KTable, i.e. it is an example of a stateful computation.  This KStream-KTable join also happens to be Kafka Streams’ equivalent of performing a table lookup in a streaming context, where the table is updated continuously and concurrently.  Specifically, for each user click event in the KStream, we will lookup the user’s region (e.g. “europe”) in the KTable in order to subsequently compute the total number of user clicks per region.

Let’s showcase the beginning (input) and the end (expected output) of this data pipeline with some example data.

This article is fairly detailed, but it covers a rather interesting topic in a good way.

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