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Category: Hadoop

Test Connection With HDInsight

I have a post trying to test a connection using HDInsight:

WebHCat is a web-based REST API for HCatalog, a management layer for dealing with files in HDFS.  If you’re looking for configuration settings for WebHCat, you’ll want generally to look for “templeton” in config files, as Templeton was the project name before WebHCat.  In Ambari, you can go to the Hive configs and look at webhcat-site.xml for configuration settings.  For WebHCat, the default port in HDInsight is 30111, which you should find in the templeton.port configuration setting.

I don’t like the fact that WebHDFS is blocked, but at least WebHCat is functional.

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OLAP On Hadoop

Tim Spann discusses OLAP options on the Hadoop stack:

Apache Kylin

For an introduction to this interesting Hadoop project, check out this article.   Apache Kylin originally from eBay, is a Distributed Analytics Engine that provides SQL and OLAP access to Hadoop datasets utilizing Hive and HBase.   It can use called through SparkSQL as well making for a very useful project.   This project let’s you work with PowerBI, Tableau and Excel with more tool support coming soon.    You can doMOLAP cubes and support many users with fast queries over billions of rows.   Apache Kylin provides JDBC and ODBC drivers.

There are a few interesting options here.

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Cloudera, Polybase, And Active Directory

Ajay Jagannathan shows how to integrate a SQL Server instance + Polybase with a Cloudera Hadoop cluster, all using Active Directory for accounts:

For all usernames and principals, we will use the suffixes like Cluster14 for name-scalability.

  1. Active Directory setup:
  1. Install OpenLDAP utilities (openldap-clients on RHEL/Centos) on the host of Cloudera Manager server. Install Kerberos client (krb5-workstation on RHEL/Centos) on all hosts of the cluster. This step requires internet connection in Hadoop server. If there is no internet connection in the server, you can download the rpm and install.

This is absolutely worth the read.

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Online HDFS Disk Balancer

Lei Xu demonstrates the intra-DataNode disk balancer in HDFS:

By default, the DataNode uses the round-robin-based policy to write new blocks. However, in a long-running cluster, it is still possible for the DataNode to have created significantly imbalanced volumes due to events like massive file deletion in HDFS or the addition of new DataNode disks via the disk hot-swap feature. Even if you use the available-space-based volume-choosing policy instead, volume imbalance can still lead to less efficient disk I/O: For example, every new write will go to the newly-added empty disk while the other disks are idle during the period, creating a bottleneck on the new disk.

Recently, the Apache Hadoop community developed server offline scripts (as discussed inHDFS-1312, the dev@ mailing list, and GitHub) to alleviate the data imbalance issue. However, due to being outside the HDFS codebase, these scripts require that the DataNode be offline before moving data between disks. As a result, HDFS-1312 also introduces an online disk balancer that is designed to re-balance the volumes on a running DataNode based on various metrics. Similar to the HDFS Balancer, the HDFS disk balancer runs as a thread in the DataNode to move the block files across volumes with the same storage types.

This is a good read and sounds like a very useful feature.

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Resetting Kafka Topics

I show two methods to clear out a Kafka topic:

The first method works fine for non-production scenarios where you can stop all of the producers and consumers, but let’s say that you want to flush the topic while leaving your producers and consumers up (but maybe you have a downtime window where you know the producers aren’t pushing anything).  In this case, we can change the retention period to something very short, let the queue flush, and bring it back to normal, all using the kafka-configs shell script.

Points deducted for slipping and writing “queue” there, but otherwise, I prefer the second method, as things are still online.  In less-extreme scenarios, you might drop the retention period to a few minutes, especially if your consumers are all caught up.

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Kafka Consumer

I build a consumer and aggregator of Kafka data:

From here, I hook into the OnMessage event just like before, and like before we decode the Kafka payload and turn it into a string.  Unlike before, however, I call Newtonsoft’s DeserializeObject method and return a Flight type, which I’ve defined above.  This is the same definition as in the Producer, so in a production-quality environment, I’d pull that out to a single location rather than duplicating it.

Going back to the main function, I call the consumer.Start() method and let ‘er rip.  When I’m ready to aggregate, I’ll hit the enter key and that’ll call consumer.Stop().  When that happens, I’m going to have up to 7 million records in a list called flights.  Out of all of this information, I only need two attributes:  the destination state and the arrival delay in minutes.  I get those by using the map function on my sequence of flights, taking advantage of F#’s match syntax to get all relevant scenarios safely and put the result into a tuple.  The resulting sequence of tuples is called flightTuple.  I pass that into the delaysByState function.

By the time I give this presentation, I’m going to change the way I aggregate just a little bit to cut down on the gigs of RAM necessary to do this operation.  But hey, at least it works…

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Spark Overview

Jen Underwood provides an overview of the Apache Spark project:

Spark provides a comprehensive framework to manage big data processing with a variety of data set types including text and graph data. It can also handle batch pipelines and real-time streaming data. Using Spark libraries, you can create big data analytics apps in Java, Scala, Clojure, and popular R and Python languages.

Spark brings analytics pros an improved MapReduce type query capability with more performant data processing in memory or on disk. It can be used with datasets that are larger than the aggregate memory in a cluster. Spark also has savvy lazy evaluation of big data queries which helps with workflow optimization and reuse of intermediate results in memory. TheSpark API is easy to learn.

One of my taglines is, Spark is not the future of Hadoop; Spark is the present of Hadoop.  If you want to get into this space, learn how to work with Spark.

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Kafka Enrichment

I have an article on enriching data stored in a Kafka topic:

We’re going a bunch of setup work here, so let’s take it from the top.  First, I declare a consumer group, which I’m calling “Airplane Enricher.”  Kafka uses the concept of consumer groups to allow consumers to work in parallel.  Imagine that we have ten separate servers available to process messages from the Flights topic.  Each flight message is independent, so it doesn’t matter which consumer gets it.  What does matter, though, is that multiple consumers don’t get the same message, as that’s a waste of resources and could lead to duplicate data processing, which would be bad.

The way Kafka works around this is to use consumer groups:  within a consumer group, only one consumer will get a particular message.  That way, I can have my ten servers processing messages “for real” and maybe have another consumer in a different consumer group just reading through the messages getting a count of how many records are in the topic.  Once you treat topics as logs rather than queues, consumer design changes significantly.

This is a fairly lengthy read, but directly business-applicable, so I think it’s well worth it.

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.NET Producer For Kafka

I build a simple .NET console app to push messages to a Kafka topic:

That’s the core of our code.  The main function instantiates a new Kafka producer and gloms onto the Flights topic.  From there, we call the loadEntries function.  The loadEntries function takes a topic and filename.  It streams entries from the 2008.csv file and uses the ParallelSeq library to operate in parallel on data streaming in (one of the nice advantages of using functional code:  writing thread-safe code is easy!).  We filter out any records whose length is zero—there might be newlines somewhere in the file, and those aren’t helpful.  We also want to throw away the header row (if it exists) and I know that that starts with “Year” whereas all other records simply include the numeric year value.  Finally, once we throw away garbage rows, we want to call the publish function for each entry in the list.  The publish function encodes our text as a UTF-8 bytestream and pushes the results onto our Kafka topic.

All this plus a bonus F# pitch.

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