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Category: Hadoop

What’s New In Ambari 2.5

Paul Codding tells us what’s coming in the next version of Ambari:

Ambari Log Search (Tech Preview) has been one of our most popular features, and in this release has seen UI, and backend refreshes based on customer feedback.  Log Search is planned for GA with the next major Ambari release, Ambari 3.0 in which the UI will be simplified, and the backend will have more robust log retention and scaling capabilities.

There are some interesting changes, so read the whole thing.

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Using Hive LLAP On ElasticMapReduce

Jigar Mistry shows how to configure and use Hive LLAP on AWS’s ElasticMapReduce:

With many options available in the market (Presto, Spark SQL, etc.) for doing interactive SQL  over data that is stored in Amazon S3 and HDFS, there are several reasons why using Hive and LLAP might be a good choice:

  • For those who are heavily invested in the Hive ecosystem and have external BI tools that connect to Hive over JDBC/ODBC connections, LLAP plugs in to their existing architecture without a steep learning curve.

  • It’s compatible with existing Hive SQL and other Hive tools, like HiveServer2, and JDBC drivers for Hive.

  • It has native support for security features with authentication and authorization (SQL standards-based authorization) using HiveServer2.

  • LLAP daemons are aware about of the columns and records that are being processed which enables you to enforce fine-grained access control.

  • It can use Hive’s vectorization capabilities to speed up queries, and Hive has better support for Parquet file format when vectorization is enabled.

  • It can take advantage of a number of Hive optimizations like merging multiple small files for query results, automatically determining the number of reducers for joins and groupbys, etc.

  • It’s optional and modular so it can be turned on or off depending on the compute and resource requirements of the cluster. This lets you to run other YARN applications concurrently without reserving a cluster specifically for LLAP.

Read on for more details, including the bootstrap action you need to take and how to use LLAP once you have it configured.

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Unit Testing Kafka Streams

Anuj Saxena shows us how to build mocks for streams in Kafka Streams:

Here, we are using Kafka streams in our applications. We are done with the implementation but again, the most important thing left is testing. This blog is about how to test the application we have created. For this, I’ll be taking the sample app I created in my previous blog for both high-level DSL and low-level processor API.

Traditionally, we test our Kafka application with an integration test for which we need to create a ZooKeeper and a real Kafka broker. After that, we need a mock producer and mock consumer for our app to produce the inputs and receive the outputs. That makes it such a big hassle just to test our app. Testing it for real scenarios and for the actual integration test, this is needed without a doubt.

Click through for an example.

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More On S3Guard

Aaron Fabbri describes how S3Guard works:

Although Apache Hadoop has support for using Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) as a Hadoop filesystem, S3 behaves different than HDFS.  One of the key differences is in the level of consistency provided by the underlying filesystem.  Unlike HDFS, S3 is an eventually consistent filesystem.  This means that changes made to files on S3 may not be visible for some period of time.

Many Hadoop components, however, depend on HDFS consistency for correctness. While S3 usually appears to “work” with Hadoop, there are a number of failures that do sometimes occur due to inconsistency:

  • FileNotFoundExceptions. Processes that write data to a directory and then list that directory may fail when the data they wrote is not visible in the listing.  This is a big problem with Spark, for example.

  • Flaky test runs that “usually” work. For example, our root directory integration tests for Hadoop’s S3A connector occasionally fail due to eventual consistency. This is due to assertions about the directory contents failing. These failures occur more frequently when we run tests in parallel, increasing stress on the S3 service and making delayed visibility more common.

  • Missing data that is silently dropped. Multi-step Hadoop jobs that depend on output of previous jobs may silently omit some data. This omission happens when a job chooses which files to consume based on a directory listing, which may not include recently-written items.

Worth reading if you’re looking at using S3 to store data for Hadoop.  Also check out an earlier post on the topic.

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Chaining Exactly-Once Operations With Kafka

Ben Stopford shows how you can use Kafka to chain together services while maintaining exactly-once guarantees:

Any service-based architecture is itself a distributed system, a field renowned for being difficult, particularly when things go wrong. We have thought experiments like The Two Generals Problemand proofs like FLP which highlight that these systems are difficult to work with.

In practice we make compromises. We rely on timeouts. If one service calls another service and gets an error, or no response at all, it retries that call in the knowledge that it will get there in the end.

The problem is that retries can result in duplicate processing—which can cause very real problems. Taking a payment, twice, from someone’s account will lead to an incorrect balance. Adding duplicate tweets to a user’s feed will lead to a poor user experience.  The list goes on.

I just had a discussion at SQL Saturday Albany about this exact thing, and the pain of rolling your own solutions.

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Subscription Versus Assignment In Kafka

Paolo Patierno explains why you shouldn’t mix subscribe() and assign() in Kafka:

Another great advantage of consumers grouping is the rebalancing feature. When a consumer joins a group, if there are still enough partitions available (i.e. we haven’t reached the limit of one consumer per partition), a re-balancing starts and the partitions will be reassigned to the current consumers, plus the new one. In the same way, if a consumer leaves a group, the partitions will be reassigned to the remaining consumers.

What I have told so far it’s really true using the subscribe() method provided by the KafkaConsumerAPI. This method forces you to assign the consumer to a consumer group, setting the property, because it’s needed for re-balancing. In any case, it’s not the consumer’s choice to decide the partitions it wants to read for. In general, the first consumer joins the group doing the assignment while other consumers join the group.

Read on to learn more.

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Extracting Phone Numbers With Apache Tika

Unni Mana knows how to get your digits:

Last time, I had difficulties detecting phone numbers from different types of documents. The challenge was that I had to use different parsers to parse and extract the phone numbers. For example, to extract phone numbers from a Word document, I had to use a library that supports Word. Also, I cannot use the same library or logic to parse a PDF file. Ultimately, I need to maintain different libraries for different document types, which, as you can image, can lead to many issues.

It looks like this covers international phone numbers as well.  Seems pretty interesting.

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Kafka As A Backbone

Ben Stopford explains how to use Kafka as a backbone for a microservices architecture:

Taking a log-structured approach has an interesting side effect. Both reads and writes are sequential operations. This makes them sympathetic to the underlying media, leveraging pre-fetch, the various layers of caching and naturally batching operations together. This makes them efficient. In fact, when you read messages from Kafka, the server doesn’t even import them into the JVM. Data is copied directly from the disk buffer to the network buffer. An opportunity afforded by the simplicity of both the contract and the underlying data structure.

So batched, sequential operations help with overall performance. They also make the system well suited to storing messages longer term. Most traditional message brokers are built using index structures, hash tables or B-trees, used to manage acknowledgements, filter message headers, and remove messages when they have been read. But the downside is that these indexes must be maintained. This comes at a cost. They must be kept in memory to get good performance, limiting retention significantly. But the log is O(1) when either reading or writing messages to a partition, so whether the data is on disk or cached in memory matters far less.

This is a higher-level look and helps explain why I like Kafka so much as a message broker.

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Kafka Streams Basics

Anuj Saxena walks through Kafka Streams and provides a quick example:

The features provided by Kafka Streams:

  • Highly scalable, elastic, distributed, and fault-tolerant application.

  • Stateful and stateless processing.

  • Event-time processing with windowing, joins, and aggregations.

  • We can use the already-defined most common transformation operation using Kafka Streams DSL or the lower-level processor API, which allow us to define and connect custom processors.

  • Low barrier to entry, which means it does not take much configuration and setup to run a small scale trial of stream processing; the rest depends on your use case.

  • No separate cluster requirements for processing (integrated with Kafka).

  • Employs one-record-at-a-time processing to achieve millisecond processing latency, and supports event-time based windowing operations with the late arrival of records.

  • Supports Kafka Connect to connect to different applications and databases.

Read on for more details as well as a sample script to get started.

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R For Apache Impala

Ian Cook describes implyr, an R interface for Apache Impala:

dplyr provides a grammar of data manipulation, consisting of set of verbs (including mutate()select()filter()summarise(), and arrange()) that can be used together to perform common data manipulation tasks. The implyr package helps dplyr translate this grammar into Impala-compatible SQL commands. This gives R users access to Impala’s scale and speed on large distributed datasets while using the same familiar dplyr syntax that they are accustomed to using on local data frames and other data sources. R users can also choose to directly write SQL commands and execute them on Impala using implyr.

implyr builds upon recent work from RStudio and other contributors, including major updates to the packages dplyr and DBI, and new packages dbplyr and odbc. implyr together with these packages enables data scientists and data engineers to more easily interact with Impala through self-service data science tools like Cloudera Data Science Workbench.

It looks like this project is off to a good start already.

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