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Chaining Exactly-Once Operations With Kafka

Ben Stopford shows how you can use Kafka to chain together services while maintaining exactly-once guarantees:

Any service-based architecture is itself a distributed system, a field renowned for being difficult, particularly when things go wrong. We have thought experiments like The Two Generals Problemand proofs like FLP which highlight that these systems are difficult to work with.

In practice we make compromises. We rely on timeouts. If one service calls another service and gets an error, or no response at all, it retries that call in the knowledge that it will get there in the end.

The problem is that retries can result in duplicate processing—which can cause very real problems. Taking a payment, twice, from someone’s account will lead to an incorrect balance. Adding duplicate tweets to a user’s feed will lead to a poor user experience.  The list goes on.

I just had a discussion at SQL Saturday Albany about this exact thing, and the pain of rolling your own solutions.