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Category: Hadoop

Learning Spark Structured Streaming

Jules Damji has a nice compendium of links and additional resources for people wanting to learn more about Apache Spark’s Structured Streaming:

Structured Streaming In Apache Spark: A new high-level API for streaming

Databricks’ engineers and Apache Spark committers Matei Zaharia, Tathagata Das, Michael Armbrust and Reynold Xin expound on why streaming applications are difficult to write, and how Structured Streaming addresses all the underlying complexities.

There’s quite a bit of reading material on the other side.

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Managing Hive Slowly Changing Dimensions

Carter Shanklin shows how to manage Type 1, 2, and 3 slowly changing dimensions in Hive:

The most common SCD update strategies are:

  • Type 1: Overwrite old data with new data. The advantage of this approach is that it is extremely simple, and is used any time you want an easy to synchronize reporting systems with operational systems. The disadvantage is you lose history any time you do an update.

  • Type 2: Add new rows with version history. The advantage of this approach is that it allows you to track full history. The disadvantage is that your dimension tables grow without limit and may become very large. When you use Type 2 SCD you will also usually need to create additional reporting views to simplify the process of seeing only the latest dimension values.

  • Type 3: Add new rows and manage limited version history. The advantage of Type 3 is that you get some version history, but the dimension tables remain at the same size as the source system. You also won’t need to create additional reporting views. The disadvantage is you get limited version history, usually only covering the most recent 2 or 3 changes.

The Hive solution is getting closer and closer to a traditional relational warehouse solution.  And on the whole, that’s a good thing.

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Kafka Connect To Elasticsearch

Robin Moffatt shows how to take data from Kafka Connect and feed it into Elasticsearch:

Whilst Kafka Connect is part of Apache Kafka itself, if you want to stream data from Kafka to Elasticsearch you’ll want the Confluent Open Source distribution (or at least, the Elasticsearch connector).

The configuration is pretty simple. As before, see inline comments for details

It’s worth noting that if you’re using the same convertor throughout your pipelines (Avro, in this case) you’d actually put this in the Connect worker config itself rather than repeating it for each connector configuration.

This is a simple example which shows just how easy it can be.

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A Simple Example With Spark And Kafka

Gary Dusbabek has a nice example showing how to build a simple application with Spark and Kafka:

This is a hands-on tutorial that can be followed along by anyone with programming experience. If your programming skills are rusty, or you are technically minded but new to programming, we have done our best to make this tutorial approachable. Still, there are a few prerequisites in terms of knowledge and tools.

The following tools will be used:

  • Git—to manage and clone source code

  • Docker—to run some services in containers

  • Java 8 (Oracle JDK)—programming language and a runtime (execution) environment used by Maven and Scala

  • Maven 3—to compile the code we write

  • Some kind of code editor or IDE—we used the community edition of IntelliJ while creating this tutorial

  • Scala—programming language that uses the Java runtime. All examples are written using Scala 2.12. Note: You do not need to download Scala.

The Hello World of streaming apps is a Twitter client.

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Talking To Secure Hadoop Clusters

Mubashir Kazia shows how to connect to a secured Hadoop cluster using Active Directory:

The primary form of strong authentication used on a secure cluster is Kerberos. Kerberos supports credentials delegation where a server process to which a user has authenticated, can perform actions on behalf of the user. This involves the server process accessing databases or other web services as the authenticated user. Historically the form of delegation that was supported by Kerberos is now called “full delegation”. In this type of delegation, the Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) of the user is made available to the server process and server can then authenticate to any service where the user has been granted authorization. Until recently most Kerberos Key Distribution Center(KDC)s other than Active Directory supported only this form of delegation. Also Java until Java 7 supported only this form of delegation. Starting with Java 8, Java now supports Kerberos constrained delegation (S4U2Proxy), where if the KDC supports it, it is possible to specify which particular services the server process can be delegated access to.

Hadoop within its security framework has implemented impersonation or proxy support that is independent of Kerberos delegation. With Hadoop impersonation support you can assign certain accounts proxy privileges where the proxy accounts can access Hadoop resources or run jobs on behalf of other users. We can restrict proxy privileges granted to a proxy account to act on behalf of only certain users who are members of certain groups and/or only for connections originating from certain hosts. However we can’t restrict the proxy privileges to only certain services within the cluster.

What we are discussing in this article is how to setup Kerberos constrained delegation and access a secure cluster. The example here involves Apache Tomcat, however you can easily extend this to other Java Application Servers.

This is a good article showing specific details on using Kerberos in applications connecting to Hadoop.

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Carter Shanklin introduces the MERGE operator in Hive:


A common strategy in Hive is to partition data by date. This simplifies data loads and improves performance. Regardless of your partitioning strategy you will occasionally have data in the wrong partition. For example, suppose customer data is supplied by a 3rd-party and includes a customer signup date. If the provider had a software bug and needed to change customer signup dates, suddenly records are in the wrong partition and need to be cleaned up.

It has been interesting to see Hive morph over the past few years from a batch warehousing system to something approaching a relational warehouse.  This is one additional step in that direction.

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Kafka Connect Done Easy

Robin Moffatt shows how to build a simple Kafka Connect flow:

This is pretty cool – the update_ts column is managed automagically by MySQL (other RDBMS have similar functionality), and Kafka Connect’s JDBC connector is using this to pick out new and updated rows from the database.

As a side note here, Kafka Connect tracks the offset of the data that its read using the connect-offsets topic. Even if you delete and recreate the connector, if the connector has the same name it will retain the same offsets previously stored. So if you want to start from scratch, you’ll want to change the connector name – for example, use an incrementing suffix for each test version you work with. You can actually check the content of the connect-offsets topic easily:

This is part 1 of a mini-series, but does show you how to build connections to stream data from MySQL into Kafka and then into a flat file.

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Analyzing Twitter Data With Storm In HDInsight

Nischal S shows how to configure an HDInsight cluster to process tweets, followed by loading them into a Power BI dashboard:

When we need to process streams of real-time data, Storm is a great contender. Examples of streaming data are the number of consumer clicks and navigations on a website, IIS or user logs, IoT data, and social network information. In all these scenarios, we use real-time data processing. Apache Storm can process real-time unbounded streams of data.

The term “unbounded” defines streams of data with no start or end. Here, the processing of data is continuous and in real-time. Twitter is a good example. Twitter data is continuous, has no start or end time, and is provided in real-time by millions of Twitter users around the world.

Storm wouldn’t rank in my top three technologies for doing this, but it certainly does the job.

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Cloudera Director And AWS Spot Instances

David Han shows off some new features in Cloudera Director 2.5 to help when building Hadoop clusters on AWS spot price instances:

You can configure Spot instances in Cloudera Director’s instance templates. These instance templates contain a flag indicating whether Spot instances should be used, as well as a field specifying the bid price for those instances.

Each instance group in the cluster template includes a field that indicates the minimum number of instances required in that group for the cluster to be considered successful. Cloudera Director will continue with bootstrapping or growing a cluster if the minimum count for each instance group is satisfied. Spot instances should not be used for instance groups that are required for the normal operation of the cluster, such as HDFS DataNodes. Instance groups configured to use Spot instances should set their minimum number to zero with the expectation that the instances may not be provisioned due to the Spot bid price being lower than the Spot price.

If you’re able to take advantage of spot instances, you can end up saving a pretty good amount of money.

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Event Sourcing And Kafka

Ben Stopford gives an architectural overview of how Apache Kafka can act as an event sourcing system:

At a high level, event sourcing is really just the observation that in an event driven architecture, the events are facts. So if you keep them around, you can use them as a datasource.

One subtlety comes from the way the events are modelled. They can be values: whole facts (an Order, in its entirety) or they can be a set of ‘deltas’ that must be re-combined (a whole Order message, followed by messages denoting just the state changes: “amount updated to $5”, “order cancelled” etc).

As an analogy, imagine you are building a version control system. When a user commits a file for the first time, you save it. Subsequent commits might only save the ‘delta’: just the lines that were added, changed or removed. Then, when the user performs a checkout, you open the version-0 file and apply all the deltas, to derive to the current state.

The alternate approach is to simply store the whole file, exactly as it was at the time it was changed. This makes pulling out a version quick and easy, but to compare different versions you would have to perform a ‘diff’.

The series Ben has been working through is very helpful in wrapping your mind around what Kafka can do, and this post was no exception.

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